Bad Breath: Aveeno

Results 61-70 from 114 articles


L.L. asks from Beaumont

My grandson has eczema mostly on his legs and arms he is 8 yrs old. any suggestions what to use that really works. I have tried a lot of stuff.


Diper Rash in 10 Month Old

A.P. asks from Chicago

My daughter is 10 months today and has a horrable diper rash for about 1.5 weeks now, I have used neosporian, aveno diper rash crean, vasoline, and bathed her in baki...


Congested 1 Month Old

A.G. asks from Orlando

My 1 month old has been congested for a few weeks. Doctor says it's normal but it's so hard to hear him at night struggling to breathe. Does anyone have any suggesti...


Dry Skin Behind 5 Month Olds Ears?

A.M. asks from New York

at 3 weeks old, i notice some thick crusty skin behind my daughters ears. to be honest, i thought it was just left mucous from birth since it was only her 2nd bath. ...


Awful Diaper Rash...Help!!!!

L.K. asks from Hickory

My 3 month old has had an awful diaper rash for about a week now. We usually use cloth diapers, but he has been in disposables for a week. I have been using Aquapho...


Need Advice to Treat Skin Execma

E.B. asks from Kansas City

My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...


Rash in Baby's Skin Creases

K.B. asks from Mansfield

My 5 month old has a recurring irritation, possibly a rash in the crease of his neck. I'm very aware of his cute chunkiness when bathing him and always very gentle a...


Excezma??? Help Is This Normal

J.M. asks from Cleveland

Ok I am taking my daughter to the pediatircian after work today but I need some help. She has always had excezma on her face by her temples since she was real tiny bu...


My 3 Month Old Skin

M.A. asks from Seattle

I have notice a rash-like problem around my babys neck, and I dry spots on his back and chest, I would like to know what can i put on it to help it heal. I put vasli...


Eczema Help?

L.S. asks from Indianapolis

I have a 4 month old experiencing problems with eczema on his head, arms and back. The doctor has not prescribed anything other than over the counter remedies. Aqua...