
Updated on February 17, 2010
M.R. asks from Pleasant Hill, CA
28 answers

Hi ladies, I have 2 questions. I am 41 and going through the change. wondering if there is other women my age that are experiencing symptoms this young? I have hot flashes and horribly heavy periods. So my 2nd question is with these heavy periods I seem to leak a lot especially at night since I don't get up in the middle of the night to change my tampon. I now have 3 of my favorite sweat suits have stains on them. Any advice on how to get blood out?
Thank you!.

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answers from Fresno on

Scrub the blood stains with peroxide, then wash in warm water. Repeat until blood is gone. It may take several washings. Do not dry it in the dryer until all blood is gone. The dryer heat will set the stain.
Also if you rinse the stains with warm mater while they are fresh it will be easier to clean later.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from San Francisco on

First, I bought the largest thickest pads I could find to wear at night along with the tampon.

Soaking overnight in cold water with oxywash might help.

Best wishes.




answers from San Francisco on

I started perimenopause when I was 40. It has finally ended now that I am 50. My recommendation is to go on low-dose birth control pills. It not only lessens the bleeding, it gives you regular periods. And the extra hormones really help with the hot flashes and mood swings. It was what kept me sane the last 10 years. Good luck.

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answers from Dallas on

2 tablespoons of Shaklee's Nature Bright and 2 tablespoons of Fresh Shaklee's Laundry Powder
Pour into a basin/bucket of hot water.
Put washable stained clothing (check for colorfast) into basin.
If required, let water cool.
Let soak 3-7 days-you'll be amazed at what you can save!
Nature Bright is not a bleach, so it's safe for colors.
Get Clean laundry products are non-toxic and environmentally friendly so they are safe . Copy and paste this link to look at the products:

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Sacramento on

Double up with tampons and a pad at night and panty liner during the days or pads during days too. Soak clothes in cold water first to loosen blood stains and then try Zout or Grandma's spot remover and work the stain.

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Pittsburgh on

I've got a couple of years on you and although I'm not having abnormally heavy periods, I definitely feel I am having pre-menopausal symptoms, like, for example, wanting to rip heads off of people for about 3 solid days before my period and some minor night sweats...
As for the blood, can you wear a pad as well as a tampon during the night? That might help. Good luck.



answers from Modesto on

With blood, you want to first soak it in cold water. Heat sets blood (and other protein) stains. So soak in cold, wash in cold, and hang to dry until you are sure the stain is out, then wash & dry at whatever temp you usually use.
This usually works for me (my husband is a veterinarian & we deal with bloody laundry sometimes.
Oxyclean will work, but I typically take care of the routine laundry (or my own soiled undies) with soaking, laundering with Tide and some baking soda (I add B/S to just about all my loads).

Subsequent laundering will continue to fade stains that didn't completely get out before setting.

Wish I could help with the rest of it, but I don't have experience there. Have you talked to your doctor to see what could be going on?



answers from Sacramento on

I had a hysterectomy at an early age so did not experience the heavy periods part; however, I did start menopause in my 40s and had hot flashes, and sweat a lot at night.

As far as the blood, try that Shout Advance... it seems to work well on stains.



answers from Houston on

I can help with both problems. email me at



answers from Duluth on

You should not have to go through this heavy bleeding thing.
I am wondering what other symptoms you may be having, and if
you know about natural progesterone cream?? I think it could greatly
help you!!! I have loads of info on progesterone cream and loads of
testimonials from others who have used it! I would be happy to share
that info with you! As for the stains, follow the others recommendations,
Health and happiness to you!!



answers from Modesto on

I am 44 this year and I, too, have begun the change........for about 2 1/2 years now. I think the biggest thing that has saved my emotions is KNOWING what I'm going through and being "in touch" with my body.

My periods are also extremely heavy.......when I have them. Last year they became "off cycle" and i never knew when they were coming. They seem to be more regular now, just waaayyy heavy to the point where a super-plus tampon only lasts 30-45 minutes........I cannot go without a pad, or I set myself up for an "accident".........I, too, sleep with a towel, and I purchase more underwear than ever before. I'm tired of cleaning up blood everywhere (sorry TMI), so now I buy regular old cheap underwear and throw them away when it's really bad........I only wear dark sweat pants now, or jeans on those days.

The other symptoms are like flashes, midnight sweats included. It's the moodiness that is most difficult to deal with. But a cocktail helps :o)

For me, my body changes and is not consistent with all those other symptoms, but there are mornings when i wake up....I know if it's going to be a "normal day" or a menopausal day".......that helps knowing, so I can be more patient with myself. I watch TV more, and read :O) Just focusing on myself has helped get me through the really bad days.......I'm to the point that i don't feel guilty about it :o)

They say that there are ALOT of meds to take out there to make us more comfortable, but I'm trying to wait as long as i can. I've learned to "breathe" through really tough moments, and I got a perm because I need to shower more.

Basically it's a change that's not going away for awhile, so I'm adjusting my life to accodomate the things I cannot control. It's helping, more emotionally than anything, but that emotional help has gone a LONG way.

More women our age are going through first it's so surprising because we feel so "young" and are not prepared to feel things like this at such a young age. But it's happening. I feel like I'm in "a club" now after reading a few of your responses, because so many others have tesitfied that they are going through it, too :O)

I keep telling myself....just think, by the time I'm in my 60's, it should be all over :o)

If nothing else, I hope you found comfort in knowing you are not alone "out there" are normal in today's world, you just need to find a way to help get you through these difficult days.......

~N. :o)



answers from Sacramento on

Hydrogen Peroxide, soak in that and wash and wear. Cheap fix, Costco sells the huge bottles for .99 ea.
Sorry this is happening to you so young. I've been there, but not at your age. Overnight heavy pads will help. Make sure you keep a watch on your iron count as these types of periods wreck havoc on that.
Black Cohash tincture in my water bottle helps to alleviate the hot flashes, that's the only thing that has worked for me.
Good luck as you navigate these years.


answers from Dallas on

I second the Shaklee recommendation. They also have wonderful supplements that will alleviate the perimenopause symptoms.



answers from Chicago on

I did what my 71year old mother told me to do when I was your age. Wear Attends (in addition to your tampon and pad) to sleep in. It hurt me to think I needed something like that, but I never, and I do mean NEVER, soiled anything again. It does stop eventually, and when it does, you will never look back. What a relief. PS Hydrogen Peroxide does take out blood, when fresh and only on very light colored items. It sounds counter-intuitive but wear only white or very light colored sweat suits so you can use hydrogen peroxide on them.



answers from Sacramento on

I was able to get blood out of my matress by first treating it with peroxide and than I used the spray oxi-clean. I know you can use the peroxide on set in stains bit I'm not sure what it will do to the color of the clothing I would test it out before dumping it all over. But the Oxi-clean does do a really good job on colors.



answers from San Francisco on

Spray and Wash or Shout almost always work. Do NOT wash in hot water or it will set the stain. Lukewarm or cold is best.


answers from Austin on

I know what you mean about your age and heavy periods.and hot flashes... there are days an extra super tampon will only last every 45 minutes.. I also wear the largest pad I can find.. I sleep with a beach towel on the bed at night..

In the morning if there is any blood on anything I put Shout on it, front and back and then try to wash the items asap.. Works perfect for me.. I actually keep a bottle of shout in my bathroom as well as the laundry room.

You may want to try putting detergent on the clothing that is already stained front and back of fabric, rub it into the material and leave it for about 15 minutes.. Then wash the clothing and see if it helps.. From now on do not wash bloody clothing till you have pre treated them. Same with your bedding..



answers from Sarasota on

According to my sister a D & C is the way to go. Also, I think my mother, who would have been 89 this summer, must have been the first woman to use the cup and she was just thrilled. I remember being a very young teenager and hearing her say that she was just so relieved to have found something that worked. I can't believe they still make them! Good luck. Let us know what worked.



answers from San Francisco on

I have definitely been there having late menopause when I was 60 and being in peri menopause for years prior to that!! A lot of heavy bleeding and irregular periods and a lot of messes to clean up: upholstered chairs, favorite clothes the back of my dresses at work...I passed a lot of clots and with them heavy bleeding. A D&C was recommended but I kept putting it off.

To clean the messes, first cold water , then cold water with some 20 volume hydrogen peroxide and now when I have protein stains I use some of those oxy products. Doing it before the blood dries really helps. Good luck. It will pass..But if it gets scary and if you feel too tired or losing too much blood do talk with your ob-gyn about it. You could get anemic.

Great grandma N.



answers from San Francisco on

First, be more worried about these heavy periods than the blood stains. Nurses by the way use Hydrogen Peroxide when the stain is fresh and it works really well. But you should talk to your OB/GYN about this and get some progesterone to stop that heavy bleeding. I've been there so I totally know what is going on and I want to make sure you don't get overexposed to estrogen. Also check out the website as well as you might want to schedule an appointment with the Holtorf Medical Group to get your hormones in balance. Very important! Too much estrogen exposure is not good. Lastly, do you have children and did you have them later in life?


answers from Dallas on

Pour some hydrogen peroxide on the stain before you do anything. Let it bubble a good bit then soak in very cold water for a few hours before washing in cold water.
I only wear black panties now ") Also since my periods where heavier and longer I started getting a reaction to using tampons or pads. You might want to consider using a Diva cup. It took a few cycles to get the hang of it but I now LOVE it and will never go back to anything else.
Best Regards,



answers from Houston on

The "change" seems to be happening younger and younger.
You can experience symptoms up to 10 years prior to full on menopause (I sold Premarin and was a drug rep for 12 years, had to study this).
Go see your ObGyn. You have PLENTY of options to take something so you don't suffer from symptoms. Anything from prescription to herbal.
don't suffer.
Blood stains....cold water not hot. I love ZOUT stain remover. Also, get a Spray n Wash Stain STICK (not spray). Rub it on and it will help prevent the stain while it may sit in laundry basket.
Soaking clothes is the key to stain removal. Use oxy clean and the above stain removers I mentioned.
May think about using a pad at night.



answers from Redding on

Dear M.,
I had a hysterectomy after my second baby was born. I was 34. I had the opposite problem, I never had periods.
You've gotten great advice about removing blood stains.
My daughter never used tampons, still doesn't, and she always leaked during her periods. I got the stains out as best I could, but she had a special drawer in her dresser for her "yuckies", her panties, pajamas and sweats that she wore during her period and it didn't matter if they got blood on them. We had a sheet we used for the same purpose. It spared her staining her new or favorite cute things at night. She's 24 and still does the same thing. When things get too stained, she just tosses them and rotates something else in that's older and she doesn't really care about.
My sister had the same issues you're having with flooding and ultimately she just gave up slaving and scrubbing because that's pretty much all she was doing 10 days a month just to stain something again the next night.
If you can't get the stains out, just reserve your "favorite" sweats for the last thing you put on at night during your periods, then take them off and rinse them in cold water first thing in the morning. Avoid wearing anything you're worried about staining while sleeping.
I wish you the best, and be sure to talk to your doctor because there may be a way to help you alleviate such heavy periods.
Take care!



answers from Austin on

Try using plain table salt for the spills, either rub it in or make a strong "salt bath" to soak it in...we once got an accident like this to come up from a light gray car (after sitting overnight) using salt, water & a sponge & I've done it countless times on clothing ever since. Like anything else it's not a 100% remover, but it's cheap & won't interact badly with any of the other more expensive treatments you might try later.

Check with your OB/GYN, my mom suffered like this for years & ended up with a hysto (at 50) due to fibriods that suddenly started growing (after spending years being anemic & being told that she can't have a hysto), they need to establish a baseline to watch from. My family history & experience already tells me I'm in for a long haul too...take comfort in the fact that there are MANY more of us out there dealing with the same things!



answers from Redding on

OxyClean should take the blood out. Make a paste with a little water and let sit for 10- 30 minutes. Then wash in your machine with a tbs. or two of oxyclean in place of laundry detergent.



answers from Chico on

Meat tenderizer can work on blood stains as well. Make a paste of tenderizer and water and rub it into the stain. CHeck the colorfastness, too.

I don't know what tampons you use, but I have found the OB supers are a lot more absorbant than the Tampax. And wearing the pads with wings was helpful for me after my kids were born and I was bleeding heavily.



answers from Modesto on

Yes, I do have that problem as well. Hot flashes can be helped with a quality Mexican Wild Yam supplement - it is a plant diascorea, and it is food for your endocrine system (hormonal system) it is NOT a hormone, but your body can put it to use making what ever hormones it needs - this also helps with mood, menstral pain, and sometimes the aches and pains.

Blood can be washed out the morning after - if you get stains that are dried, don't wash until you scrub with amonia - it will break down the protiens in the blood even weeks latter - once they are dried in the dryer, it is nearly impossible to get them out (you can make them better, but not totally get rid of them).



answers from San Francisco on

I know what you are going through. I am 45 and my periods are extremely heavy but thankfully short. On my heavy day I can bleed through a super heavy tampon in less than an hour. I started using a menstrual cup about a year ago. It has changed my life on the bad days. I use a Diva cup but there are others. Whole Foods and natural pharmacies carry them. Instead of having to find a bathroom every hour I can go 4 to 5 with the Diva cup. It was really hard to get used to at first but well worth the effort. Give it at least 6 cycles to get used to it.

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