Is This Part of Terrible 2S?

Updated on March 30, 2010
I.B. asks from Orange Park, FL
14 answers

My daughter is 2 years old (& 3 months). She use to get her bath @ 7:30, put on pjs, & then prayers before bed. She usually went down around 8 & would sleep until 8am. It was awesome. Then she would take a morning nap & an afternoon nap. A few weeks ago she started waking up anywhere from 6-7:30am. I figured it was just her growing up & not needing as much sleep. The weird part is that she wakes up screaming. She throws her pillow, blanket & puppy dog out of the crib & screams at the top of her lungs. She use to gradually wake up & then when she started to grumble a little we would go in & get her. Now, the bedtime routine has become a chore. She either doesn't want to take a bath or doesn't want to get out. Then, putting pjs on her is a challenge. She doesn't like long sleeves or long we got some shorts..that worked a couple days.. now she screams for those to be off as well. Last night she went to sleep in a sundress. Now she has started waking up at like 1am screaming. I don't know what it is. I'll try to rock her back to sleep but as soon as she gets near the crib she starts screaming. I tried letting her cry it out this weekend. She cried Saturday morning for over an hour. I couldn't bear it anymore so we slept on the couch together. Does anyone have any suggestions on what is going on? Some people have suggested that she might be teething but she got all of her teeth pretty early. The pediatrician said she was done at her 2 year check (including molars).

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So What Happened?

Thank you for all of your ideas & suggestions. My husband & I have decided to transition her to a toddler bed. She was very excited about her new bed before bedtime. She wasn't so crazy about it when it was time to go to sleep. After a few times getting up, we waited until she fell asleep in the living room & then put her in bed. She made it until around 7:30. She's also in a much better mood so far b/c she actually rested.

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answers from Miami on

I came in on this a little late! Something that helped my kids when they transitioned to a toddler bed was compromise. They have to take a bath every other day, but they can take a shower if they want to. They like the novelty of it. At bedtime they can wear whatever they want, so long as it's clean. And in my daughter's case (6) something loose fitting so her "girly parts" get air as she puts it. For a long time one of my kids slept in a sleeping bag in his doorway. But it kept him happily sleeping in his room. Eventually he moved to his bed on his own. They all have/have had a stuffed animal and blanket they liked that they picked out when we moved them. If she starts getting up, just put her back. As many times as it takes. And be patient. My kids all stopped taking naps around 2 as well and just started having a quiet time. Good luck with the transition!

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answers from Tampa on

By this age my daughter was sleeping in a big double bed. Have you considered getting her a bed instead of using a crib? Also cut out one of the naps. At two years old one nap is enough. I would do a nap right after lunch and leave it at that. Also you could leave a night light on in her room to make her more comfortable. At two years of age is when children start fearing things. Another thing is, have there been any changes in your home lately? That also can make a difference.

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answers from Kansas City on

by two, my son was going to bed at 8, waking up about 6, then taking a 1 1/2 or 2 hour nap. probably she is experiencing nightmares/night terrors, which, since she's not that tired, are making her fight sleep. try cutting her sleep down a bit, wear her out real good before bed, and see if she goes down better. and google nightmares/night terrors in toddlers. it's pretty common but other than patience and consistency with bedtime, i don't know if there's anything else you can do. good luck!



answers from Indianapolis on

I agree with Anne that it could be a number of things rolled into one giant test of your patience.

Our kids never had issues with cutting teeth, but our daughter has had a really rough go of it with ear infections. 4 last year + tubes before her 1st birthday and 4 this year already. We think she has another right now, thus why she's having a tough time sleeping.

It could also be that transition into being a different, more independent kid. I know a lot of moms who respond are fans of different sleep methods. As a working mom, I am a fan of getting enough sleep to survive the following day at work. So, when these things happen (our son is a much worse sleeper than our daughter), we just let him come into bed with us so we can all get the sleep we need.

Good luck.
If you're really concerned, I'd recommend a call to the pediatrician. If they believe there's reason for concern, they may ask you to bring him in to make sure everything's OK medically.



answers from Chicago on

Might be the two year molars, could be terrible twos, maybe she has an ear infection, she could just be in a mood. Detective work is no fun at this age! If she keeps up I would take her in to the ped and rule out ear infection first. Feel around in her mouth for new teeth--those two year molars can be tough. If its the teeth give her some motrin to ease the pain until they push through. If it is just a terrible two's thing then pick your battles and whatever method of discipline you want to use and stick to it like glue. In my opinion, she may also be ready to give up the crib--that was the age my daughter went to a twin bed. She was also doing night wakings out of the blue. She just wasn't comfortable in the crib any more. We took it down when she was at grandmas and set up the twin bed. When she got home we showed it to her and she was so excited. She slept just fine in it that night and we never looked back. Best of luck!



answers from Tampa on

Have you changed anything in her food?
Some terrible nightmare, sometimes that happens because the minerals or B vits are off- if you have changed food- change it back.
Get rid of the crib, time for a bed, I think.
Best, k



answers from Miami on

Have her evaluated by an occupational therapist who is good at sensory processing disorders. Your daughter has lost the ability to self regulate. She may need a sensory diet of activities done to her for her brain chemicals and body can calm down.



answers from Portland on

i think it is too much sleep. i am a full time college student and take night classes so our daughter ( 2 y/o) goes to bed late usually 10 p.m.- 8:30am with a 2 hour nap



answers from Jacksonville on

Maybe take away one of the naps. My daughter is 21 months and I can't remember when she last took 2 naps. She's a good sleeper and 1 a day napper!



answers from Philadelphia on

I would work on 1 nap per day. She probably does not need 2 naps anymore. Every kid is different, but for example, my son will be 2 in April and he has been taking 1 nap for almost a full year. Go with your gut, but that may help! :)



answers from Chicago on

You poor thing!

The other advice sounds right on, and I agree that you should pick your battles. I went through a stage where my daughter slept in what she was going to wear to school the next day. I mean really, she was four and I had a new job that I could NOT be late for. Did it really matter that she wasn't in pj's for bed?

Another thought: Do you think she is having bad dreams? That happened to my daughter. At that age dreams are so real. She might be afraid to sleep and is just stalling bedtime. If that is the case, maybe you could try talking about dreams. Sometimes we forget how smart our little ones are. I also think you are doing the right thing by rocking her and letting her sleep with you. Dreams (and being alone) can be pretty darn scary!

Good luck!


answers from St. Louis on

The first thing I have to say is that you may consider she is having nightmares or night terrors and that is what's waking her up earlier than normal.

That being said, two naps a day plus 12 hours of sleep per night may be too much for her which may be why she's waking up earlier...she's no longer tired! I would cut out the morning/afternoon nap and settle for an early afternoon one to replace both naps. I would not let her nap for more than 2 or 3 hours though.

As far as her becoming more independent and not wanting to get in/out of the bath, wear the clothes you pick out, etc, why not give her options and let her choose? Ask her if she wants to take a bath or shower. Bubbles or no bubbles? She may still tell you she doesn't want to take a bath but she may be distracted too! Ask her to pick out her pajamas and roll with it - even if it is a sundress! I'd pick your battles and pajamas are not one to fight. Give her ample warning when it's time to get out of the bath. Give her a five minute warning then a 2 minute warning. If she starts to protest, ask her a question "Do you want me to pick you up or do you want to get out of the tub on your own?" If she doesn't comply, scoop her up even if she's screaming.

If you are worried she's in pain for any reason, I would consult your doctor. Could be an ear infection that is only causing her pain when she lays down and rests but it doesn't sound that way.

When she does wake screaming, I would not allow her to CIO. Something is bothering her whether it be pain or a nightmare. I suggest giving her hugs and if you want, rocking or cuddling with her. Bring her to your bed if you choose to (we do this at our house because it's quick and we all get back to sleep in a hurry).



answers from Mansfield on

Anne may be right that it could be a health issue with ears or teeth or some other thing going on. Check this out 1st! Also it could be her just trying to get some control. 2 year olds like to start being more independant and want to have more control over themself and what is going on in their world. She may start waking earlier because she doesn't need as much sleep so I would cut a nap- not nighttime sleep. But her different behavior upon waking and going to bed may just be her experiementing with emotions, control and communication. If she isn't sick in anyway and it is just behavior changes- you need to decide what is exceptable and what is not and stay consistant. If she doesn't want a bath before bed and you feel it is ok to skip that night then let her- however if you want that consistant routine then.... that is a battle you will have to figure out how to win. The same with waking in the morning. You can't tell a child you can't wake up until 8AM, but you can start teaching them what is exceptable if they wake earlier then you intended.
Let her have some choices so she is learning some independance and feeling that she does have some control over her world. Let her pick 1 of 2 pairs of PJ- what book she wants to read, toast or eggs for breakfast. Bubbles or no bubbles in bath. What blanket or animal to take to bed, etc. Which shirt she wants to wear- give her only 2 options so she is not overwhelmed.
My daughters were both out of their crib by 2 but my son who was 1st born was in until almost 3 when he started climbing out himself. So it may be time to move her into a big girl bed. She is probably alittle scared to climb out but wants out so she throws a fit to let you know it.
Gonna have to experiement alittle to figure out what is really going on but you should be just fine. Remember whatever you do be consistant! Hope this helps :)



answers from Portland on

I have a 28 month old son and he only takes one 2 hour nap in the afternoon. If your daughter is still taking a 2 naps- maybe get her down to one nap and her night time sleep will improve? The time change can mess with them for a while too- my son is just starting to adjust to the Spring forward. He has also gotten very picky about his pjs- having a fit if they are not the right ones for him. My older son never did care and still doesn't at age 6 what he wears, so this was a new one for us. We just let our youngest son choose his own pjs and that ended that battle. We co-sleep, so the crib is not an issue for us- but I agree with others that maybe a twin bed with a safety rail would be good. Good luck, the "two's" can be a tough time. Fortunately for us with our older son, we had the terrible three's, so we could reason with him more.

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