Is Bleeding Normal with Teething?

Updated on February 09, 2007
M.S. asks from Mobile, AL
6 answers

My son is 7 months old and has cut through his bottom two teeth. His top two have been given him fits about the past 3 weeks. One of them finally cut through last night sometime and he woke up this morning with blood on his hands and all over his face. Of course I freaked out at first glance but then realize he had a little clot of blood over that tooth. The blood is gone and you can see that tooth has cut through. Is it normal to bleed like that when cutting teeth?. My 3 year old never bled with hers so this is something new for me. Thanks for any help!

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answers from Birmingham on

I am a first time mother of a 7 month old son who just cut his first tooth. While he did not bleed with it, I have read that sometimes they can develope what looks like a "blood blister" over the site where the tooth will eventually make it debut. Now while there is a covering of skin over the blood (much like when you get a blood blister on your hand or finger) when that sharp little tooth breaks through the surface, it will obviously puncture that "bliser". Hence the blood on your son's face and hands. And since babies are constantly rubbing their faces when they sleep (I know mine does!!), it probably looked like more blood than there really was. BUT, if it concerns you, and I'm sure it does because it would concern me seeing any blood on my son's face that doesn't belong there, contact your son's pediatrician. Or you could try contacting a dentist who specializes in pediactric dentistry. Hope that helps and eases your mind.



answers from Huntsville on

Neither of my kids did that either, but I have heard of this as being normal.




answers from Biloxi on

A blood blister can form on the gum were the tooth is coming in. Usually the blister bursts and then the tooth is finally exposed. It happened to me when my back wisdom tooth was coming in and my mother told me it is normal.



answers from Nashville on

My oldest child had some bleeding on the day she cut her first 2 teeth. I was quite surprised, too! If it keeps up, I would talk to your child's pediatrician.



answers from Jackson on

I have never heard of that happening. I would probably just call my dentist and ask him just to make sure.



answers from Biloxi on

yea i think some babies do bleed while teething although none of mine ever did every child is diffrent. and i have seen other babies that bled while teething. nothing to panic about.

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