Im Think Im Going Crazy...

Updated on July 15, 2011
R.M. asks from Fort Worth, TX
18 answers

I have no friends here &feel like I'm always stuck in the house! I need a mommy & baby play date or something...but don't know how that would ever happen. I feel like I'm going to loose it at times...has anyone else ever felt this way?

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Thanks so much girls ..that was a lot of help!

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answers from Dallas on

I feel that way often, and I have lived here forever. Sometimes friends are just at different places in their lives, and are just busy. Lately I've just been lonely. I think lots of moms go through this. We need a mom's night out. :)

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answers from Tulsa on

I used to hang out at Mcdonalds and we hate the food. Also the park and story time at the library. Nearly all moms with young children feel isolated and lonely. They should add that to prenatal classes because it was a shock to me.

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answers from Washington DC on

Yes! Have you tried going to the website and searching for a playgroup?

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answers from Orlando on

there should be mommy groups where you live, check out, there are a bunch here in Orlando where I live. You'll meet new moms and your little one will make new friends too! Btw, yes, I have felt that way too! It's a matter of making yourself go out and meet like minded people (moms,lol...), it's hard, but well worth it. Good luck!

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answers from Seattle on

PART of why I started school when my son was 2 months old was because I was becoming certifiably crazy. Even being out and about and doing things all the time like I was WITH him, I needed to speak in full sentences, and take my mind out for a jog at least twice a week. My brain was turning into oatmeal.

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answers from Chicago on

Preach on! All of my family live out of state so I have been where your at! And what I would do is take my daughter (only had her at the time) to the park and I would meet alot of nice parents there, of course I would see them there more often since I would take her everyday or other day and thats how I met some of the pther parents and their children. Or how about going to your local park district? I'm sure they have aton of "mommy-daughter" activities and im sure you'll meet alot of parents with little one's there too! But once you meet the parents of the child, invite them over for a play date or make plans to go to the park as a group. Hope I was helpful, but couldn't let this one go since I know exactly how you feel! Good Luck!

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answers from Dallas on

Do some internet searches for early childhood pta in Forth Worth we have one here in Carrollton and it is geared for parents with children ages birth-prek we have regular playdates (set by childs age) and socials and mom meetings to relax and get some helpful advice. Good Luck

As someone else posted look into MOPS also (mother of preschoolers) they usually meet at churches but you get some alone mom time to relax and chat with other moms while your child is taken care is priceless.


answers from Dallas on

I should tell you that if you can ask yourself that question, it TOTALLY means you're not. LOL

On a lighter note, I've felt like that more times than I can count.

My kids are older and I will say that it DOES get better tho. Small consolation when you're covered in poop and there's no one there to'll be ok...take a deep lets go clean that off ya. :)

I am sending good thougthts your way.



answers from Scranton on

Check out and see if there is one in your area. Also, places like my gym, gymboree and even some events at your local YMCA might be good places to meet other moms. If you can, join a gym that has day care and maybe you could meet other moms through your kids!



answers from Dallas on

For a minute there I thought I was the one that posted that question. Lol! My answer to that is..... All The Time! Hope it makes you feel better to know your not alone. My kids and I moved here in 2005 and I still have no TRUE friends. I feel as if I'm on another planet sometimes. I have learned to entertain myself and the kids but sometimes it's just not enough. I feel so alone a lot of the time and it can definently have an effect on a person's daily life, mentally, physically, and emotionally. It doesn't have to be my time of the month when "Aunt Flow" comes to visit for an emotional cry baby outburst. Lol! It doesn't take long though before I dry it up cause one of my little no neck monsters need their Momma. Thank God I have my children, I love them to pieces. Anyway... I could go on forever ( lack of adult conversation. Lol!). I just saw your posting and thought I would let you know that you are not alone. I hope it helps some. Keep your chin up. WE can get through this!!


answers from Las Vegas on

Just wanted to throw in Mommy & me classes around town. There is no pressure b/c "technically" your there with your baby and it's a class, but that's where I've met some friends who clicked with me and my daughter :)

Yeah, if it isn't the baby lol it's cabin fever. Even getting out of the house, you probably want some adult conversation. Park near your house? I bet even your daughter playing in the wood chips or whatever they have and meeting a mom and having casual talk will make ya feel better. Good ice breaker, aw she/he's so cute. How old is he/she?



answers from Dallas on

Totally. I am still working on it!



answers from Dallas on

You will be fine...You should call your mom or talk to someone in your circle of friends or family. If all else...go outside for some fresh air. You have a life because you were a person before motherhood. Let's decide to be happy and friends and playmates will find you or you will run into them when you get out the negative and replace it with positive living. You are on the right track...Stay Focus!!




answers from Dallas on

I cannot emphasize enough to join a playgroup. I joined when my daughter was 15 months old because I felt the same way at the time. My daughter will be starting kindergarten in the Fall and I am going to miss the playgroup so much! I will still go to the Mom's Night Outs and maybe do things during the summers with them??

Check out, there are mom's clubs in lots of locations, some churches have mommy and me play times, you can go the mall or park and hang out to meet moms, some libraries have baby story times and you can meet moms there too.



answers from Dallas on

Yes, I'm feeling like that right now, I live in the fort worth area, I have a 3 year old boy, if you would like to get together sometime,the would be awesome! I'm don't know anyone either.



answers from Colorado Springs on

Can you look up the nearest MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers) group in your area? A lot of my friends love attending, and there are activities for the kiddos as well.


answers from Dallas on

Ive been there and done that and everytime i feel that way i move and take my kids away from thier friends and everything they are used to..... Very selfish of me and now i realize i have to stop doing that, i feel like it was my own depression that wouldnt let me get out there and make new friends... I miss my family but everytime im close to them we end up having problems and i move away again... Ive finally decided that i can go visit them and have fun with my family never staying to long to over stay my welcome... I went back to school made new friends and now im working making new friends as well.... You have to make an effort if you stay only at home what progress do you think you will be making? Get out there and live!!!!



answers from Dallas on

Hi :) I live in North Fort Worth and am part of a group called The Mommy Connection. All of our playdates are in the area and we are hoping to add some new members if you are interested. We have kids of all ages and are very laid-back and easy to get along with. Here's our website link:

I totally understand how you feel! Before I joined this group, I was home full-time with my infant twins and their older brother. I've made some really good friends just within a few months. Hope this helps :)

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