First-Time Pregnancy: Need Tips and Advice

Updated on March 05, 2008
A.K. asks from Chicago, IL
34 answers

Hi Everyone -

I am pregnant for the first time and am almost 12 weeks along. I have found a doctor that I am very happy with, as well as baby books for me and my husband. Other than these things, I could use some tips on being pregnant in Chicago (I live in Lincoln Square). Topics like where the best spots are for maternity clothes, anything I should get involved in, and any other advice you'd give to someone who is pregnant for the first time.

Thanks in advance!

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So What Happened?

Thanks to everyone for the responses you sent me. You provided some great tips that I will be able to use throughout the pregnancy. Hopefully I will get to meet some of you in Lincoln Square or at Bloom Yoga!

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answers from Chicago on

Hi A.-

I am a first timer too! Congratulations! We live in Old Irving Park and I am due on June 4. First and foremost you are going to need maternity bras- I found a fantastic selection at G Boutique on Damen in Bucktown. I was fitted properly and the saleswoman was so attentive to what I wanted. I am finding a ton of my maternity clothes at Gap Maternity. I haven't been to the one on Michigan Ave. (for obvious reasons), but the one of Broadway and Belmont is great and so is Old Orchard (but it's in Baby Gap by Nordstrom.) I also go online and peruse the clearance at Nordstrom (great selection), Belly Dance, and A Pea in the Pod. Macy's also has a Motherhood Maternity section in all of their stores. I have needed so many different types of outifits for all 4 seasons that I just found it was easier to buy staples for as little as possible. Good luck to you and I wish someone told me about all of the secret haunts!



answers from Chicago on

I had both my daughters in Chicago, at St. Joseph's hospital and they have some awesome doctors. I used Dr. Diakos, ###-###-####.

Best of luck to you!



answers from Chicago on

Belly Dance on Damen has great clothes. Frog Temple has a real good pre-natal pilates class. Also if you are delivering at Northwestern I highly recommend taking the transitions to mother hood class after you have the baby. Great way to meet some new mom that are in the exact same situation as you since the babies are roughly the same age.

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answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,
Congratulations!!! This is so exciting!

The most important bit of wisdom I can impart to you, as a very new mom is to ENJOY every moment of your pregnancy. It is so fleeting - it will be done before you know it and another chapter will have begun!! Savor the moments - even the crappy ones. It all paints your unique picture of the beginning of a new life.

Having a baby truly changes have no idea until it happens - but I mean this in the very best way. It is life's true paradox. Being a parent is the hardest thing you will ever do, but also the very best ever!!

There is an awesome store in Roscoe Village called Be Bye Baby - -its at the corner of Lincoln and Addison. They have tons of organic clothing, cloth diapers, breastfeeding accessories and so so much more. Its a great little place - oh, they have classes, too and a GREAT selection of nursing bras.

All the best!! And congrats! I was just in your shoes so let me know if you need anything!

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

I recommend taking Bradley prenatal classes. They last 10-12 weeks, so it would be good to find one now, if you're interested--so that you don't end up trying to fit one into your schedule at the last minute. Mothers often find it helpful to start these classes early and end early, so that they can be practicing what they learn well before the due date.

I recommend finding a La Leche League group now and starting to attend their monthly meetings. You meet a lot of new moms that way, and you get a head start on all the breastfeeding questions. It's not uncommon for pregnant women to not wait for the birth to start attending.

I also recommend these websites...

I also recommend learning about the Brewer Diet, if you haven't already. Using it starting now will help you develop a healthy placenta, so that it will serve you well for the rest of the pregnancy. It can also help you to prevent high blood pressure and pre-eclampsia.

I also recommend seeing this movie....

I also recommend learning about what your options/choices are in childbirth, so that you can decide which options you are in agreement with and which ones you're not. These articles might be a beginning place to find out about those options.

One of those options is the cord blood issue. Saving it requires cutting the cord early, which is a controversial issue. You can learn more about it here...

I recommend avoiding classes given by hospitals, since they will tend to limit the options and choices that they teach you--limited to reflect which ones they prefer to offer at their facility.

I recommend hiring a doula. You can find one here...

I also recommend these books...

Best wishes! :-)

1 mom found this helpful


answers from Chicago on

We too were first time pregnant parents in Chicago...My husband and I took the "expectant parents" class at the hospital (Northwestern Memorial), and that was great for both of us to get tips on what having the baby would be like (and to get some basic insights on what to expect, breathing techniques, tour of the hospital, etc.). We also took a baby CPR class, which I highly recommend. The book, "what to expect when you are expecting" was helpful. Also, we found the baby sleep book, "Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child" by Dr. Marc Weissbluth extremely helpful.

I discovered some great places for baby stuff, too: Lazar Juvenile on Lincoln Ave. has baby furniture, bassinettes, bottles, and an excellent stroller selection (they also know where to find anything else - they are great because they are family owned...and I found out later that I could nurse in one of their gliders there if I happened to be there and baby needed feeding!). For clothes, I had fun looking at The Red Balloon (Damen Ave in Bucktown or Clark St in Andersonville). Toys Etc. in Andersonville is great for toys!! The Babies R U on Touhy is where I got many of my basics and registered for baby showers. Also, of course there are Pottery Barn Kids and Land of Nod (mostly for decorating baby's room or buying toys and music CDs). ** We also joined the Northside Parents Network ( which has excellent bulletin board discussion boards online, and which offered a "new moms" group after baby was born. I joined one when my firstborn was 3 mos. and the 10-person group of moms that I was assigned to had all new moms with babies born the same month. We met at a park or one of our homes, once a week for the entire first year and we still keep in touch and celebrate birthdays together (our kids will be 4 in April). NPN also has neighborhood (zip code) family events which are great for meeting parents in your area. Good luck in the coming months - Have fun and remember to connect with other parents with kids the same age, it really helps to have compassionate friends who know what you are going through!

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answers from Chicago on

Hello A.! Congratulations! We have a lot in common. I'm also a 29 year-old professional living in Chicago, pregnant for the first time. I'm due April 10th. As far as maternity clothes goes, it depends on your budget. If you don't feel like spending a whole lot of money but still would like decent clothes, I recommend Target. I'm still using the maternity jeans I bought within the first trimester. They're very comfy. Some of the clothes are little "old-ladyish," so you have to find the right picks for you. Also, Old Navy stores and online have some adorable pieces, as well. I never really liked the maternity panties that I bought at maternity stores. My best fits were from Old Navy maternity and Gap body (regular panties, but increasing from a medium, to large, to xl as my belly grew). For higher end stores, of course you can go to those maternity stores like Motherhood Maternity or Pea in the Pod. There aren't any maternity stores at Lincolnwood Mall, but you can find them at Old Orchard or Woodfield Mall. Oh, I also found some great, stylish clothes in the maternity section of H & M!!! Another piece of advice, I'd try to stay active as long as you can. Enroll in a mama yoga class, or even get a few videos to do at home. Walking is extremely important, so get on the treadmill and when it gets warmer, get outside! A., I absolutely love being pregnant and I hope that you'll find it enjoyable, too!



answers from Chicago on

Take things slowly and enjoy your last 6 months of living your life just being 'you' without a child. The week before my son was born, my husband and I had our last 'childless breakfast' and cherished every moment of it. We knew things were going to change in a good way, but we also knew that things would never be 'just us' again for a very long time. I am so glad that I did not take that 'us' time for granted.

People will try to force every bit of advice on you from feeding to sleeping to clothing. Decide your own personal philosophy, latch on to people you trust, and understand that only you know your situation. Also, be flexible. An example - I was committed to breastfeeding my son for one year and was willing to do anything and everything to make it happen. Despite a ton of help at the hospital, with LCs, going to classes and meetings and groups and trying everything under the sun it NEVER worked out for us. Not only was it heartbreaking, but even worse was every judgmental pro-breastfeeder basically said I was too lazy and was going to ruin my child with formula. Luckily there are some WONDERFUL LCs out there and some understanding bf-ing moms and not everyone is so narrow-minded. I put myself through a lot of guilt and agony because I was soooooo sure breastfeeding would work out for us but it never did. In hindsight, I wish I would have been more open-minded. Understand that I'm not saying don't breastfeed, just be flexible with all your choices and options.

Finally, and this is a sorta silly one but serious in a way...when you get close to the end of your pregnancy and you think you might be delivering - EAT! I had a doctor appointment on a Tuesday and there was a possibility I would be admitted that afternoon. I didn't eat anything before my appointment, got admitted, and 30 hours later had my baby. Sure I got jello and broth but WOW was I hungry! I wish I would have eaten before that appointment.



answers from Chicago on

There's so much!!!! I am a first time mom and my daughter was born last August (6 months old!). Have fun with your pregnancy. You can go to Mimi Maternity for cute maternity clothes, some of their stuff is pricey, but when it is on sale it is always pretty reasonable. Also check out Target for mat stuff. make sure you drink a TON of water when it starts to get warm out, it helps with swelling. Take any classes you think would be helpful, I would think Infant CPR would be a good one. I didn't do any birthing classes, and we did just fine. Make a birth plan and make sure you share it with your OB. There is SO much more, but I don;t want to keep going on. Congrats!



answers from Chicago on

I think the best maternity clothes are at Old Navy, Target and Motherhood. They are fairly low cost and you dont really need much more than a few items to hold you through. I would reccommend getting a really good nursing or maternity bra from Nordstroms or a high end place and spending some good money on it. It makes a WORLD of difference.



answers from Chicago on

there are some good classes at northwestern on topics such as birthing, breastfeeding, caring for your baby, cpr for baby etc.
I borrowed nearly all my maternity clothes as I hated to spend money on them but if you do want to buy at the cheap end is target and at the upscale is Pea in the pod.
I loved the book the pregnancy bible. Other things to think about are whether you want to bank your babies cord blood cells. I used cbr. let me know if you want to do that as I have a coupon. And do you want to have a doula - they are a birthing support woman. they don't advise medically but help you with massage, exercises, comfort etc. I loved mine who did not in any way try to direct me toward any kind of birth eg natural versus medicated.



answers from Chicago on

Congratulations A.!
How wonderful for you! I hope you are feeling well at this point, you did not quite mention that? What a terrific time for you to hit your second trimester-in the spring!! You will be feeling marvelous, and the weather will be beautiful!

Like another mom said before, really enjoy this time with your baby growing inside you. There is NO time like this, where you can spend all your time focusing on growing this one baby, and you will never get this back, ever. I recommend writing letters to your baby, if you are keeping a "baby book", you can write them in there, or write them in a separate journal, or on stationary. My kids love to read the letters my husband and I wrote them when I was pregnant with them. It is true, the baby books for the 3rd child really don't get filled out like they do with the 1st...very sad...that is why I say cherish this time with your first.
If you choose to have another baby, (hint hint) that pregnancy really goes fast as you are chasing after your first child.

I am a labor and delivery nurse in the North Shore...and it is AWESOME that you found an OB that you love and trust!
Continuing exercise is great during pregnancy, I can always tell when a woman I take care of in labor is someone who has a regular exercise routine. Ask your OB before you begin a new exercise, even yoga. Walking and swimming are super during pregnancy. Using a stability ball throughout your pregnancy can really be beneficial, for exercise (builds your core strength) and for comfort as you grow to alleviate the aches and pains (back, hips, etc). It is amazing how the ball can support you throughout the later stages of pregnancy, labor and birth. You can then use it again to get your pre-baby body back and bounce your baby on it at the same time. Pregnancy and labor require at least a 65cm ball.

Pregnancy, childbirth and newborn education is also a great way to ease your support you during this life-changing transition...the more you know, the less anxiety you will have.

Take great care!
Baby Feat LLC



answers from Chicago on

Congratulations! Such a happy time for you... I have two children. Daughter is 6, son is 1. Just enjoy your pregnancy, the good and the bad, every little sensation is such a miracle. I was blessed with an easy, healthy pregnancy both times. Well, the second one was more achy than the first, but nothing unbearable.

My husband and I also decided not to find out the sex of either one, and we never told anyone our choices for names. It was nice to have our own little secret, and no one could "poach" our names as we had a fun friends also pregnant at the same time.

As for maternity clothes, I stuck with Mimi maternity and Pea in the Pod. Did shop online, but also shopped at Old Orchard. I'm sure there are many cute and affordable places by you that I'm not aware of. I read that there are boutiques along Roscoe?

Good luck!



answers from Chicago on

The one tip I have is that you start looking at your day care options NOW. If you're going to use a day care facility, the wait-lists can be at least 6 months. Also, you will be so sleep deprived after your child is born, you won't want to go out looking for day care and interviewing potential candidates.
Also, make sure you know what your company pays for maternity leave. I found out too late that they would only pay 30% of my salary for 6 weeks-we had to scramble to save in the last trimester.



answers from Chicago on

If you want to have a non-medicated birth, start thinking about preparing for that from now. For example, research the different methods (Bradly, Hypno-birthing, etc), and find a good teacher. I took a self-hypnosis for childbirth class in Oak Park and found it to be SO beneficial -- both in giving me the tools to get through labor without pain meds and in teaching me about how the whole birthing process works.

Also, some fun ideas I hope to do with my next pregnancy: Take a picture of your profile every month; also, write little 'letters' in a journal to your baby that you can continue once they are born.



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,
Congratulations! I'm in Lincoln square too. I'm a mom of three and its a great place to raise a family. Ditto on the Bloom class. Yoga was the best thing I did for my pregnancies. My neighbor is due the same time as you. See you in the square this summer (Tuesdays by Selmarie all the moms hang out after visiting the farmers market with their kids running around it's a great time.) Also enjoy your pregnancy. People told me that when I was pregnant with the first too and I didn't understand them. Now I do. Being pregnant after you already have one is a little harder. So enjoy it, rest and accept all the help you will be offered. See you around the square.



answers from Chicago on

There is a motherhood outlet on Clybourn just east of Damen- next to Chucky Cheese. I also found a lot of cute things at Target- Liz Lange has a nice maternity line.



answers from Chicago on

Congratulations! This is a very exciting time for you and enjoy every minute of it, because you'll be a first time expecting mom once in your life. #1 shopping: I was small and could wear most of my own clothes through the majority of my pregnancy so I didn't want to invest in "maternity" clothing. Also, I thought the maternity stores in the mall were too expensive. I had good luck in a few key pieces from Kohls (maternity sales regularly), Old Navy (a few fun, trendy styles), Target (nursing tanks and Gilliam O'Malley lounging pants for daywear), and a maternity store in Gurnee Mills Mall (forgot the name). My best item was black cropped pants from Kohls. I wore them with everything. Make sure to get a good pair of shoes; you'd be amazed how soon your shoes either don't fit or are no longer comfortable. #2: classes. I gave birth at Lutheran General so I took advantage of the classes they offered: breastfeeding, baby care, and birth and delivery. If you're like me, the more you prepare, the more comfortable you feel since you're ready for anything. #3: self-care: always carry a bottle of water with you. You'll be amazed at how thirsty you are. I got some Propel and CountryTime flavor packets to add when I was tired with plain water. Eat well. It's the only time you can eat with abandon but make it fun and good for you: have a small snack every 1-2 hours, such as cheese, fruit, granola bars, nuts, etc. If you eat a lot of protein, you won't experience the swelling. #4: communities: I found the Pregastic podcast on iTunes and enjoyed hearing about other expecting moms along the way. I got some great tips about what to pack for the hospital, breastfeeding support, etc. #5: remember every minute with photos, belly casts, journaling, whatever you wish because it goes so fast. If you're looking for a maternity, newborn, and family photographer, Check out Jes Gwozdz in Morton Grove. She's a very talented stay at home mom who takes wonderful photos. I'm so happy I spent the money. I have these beautiful photos to remember that fleeting time.



answers from Chicago on

hi A.....
at 14 weeks i started going to prenatal yoga at bloom yoga studio on rockwell and leland (i think).

it was really nice meeting other pregnant women and seeing and talking about all the different stages of pregnancy.

i feel like it helped me relax during labor, strengthened my body, stretched out my sore back and shoulders and cleared my head.

the owner is an instructor and mom. they have a lot of non yoga things too like, childbirth preparation, breastfeeding, mommy to be meet ups and child cpr.

also, i got a lot of my maternity clothes at old navy in lincolnwood. if you feel like making a drive there is a maternity h&m in schaumberg. i bought a lot of regular clothes at h&m too that i can wear not pregnant. the styles of shirts and dresses lately look like maternity and i would wear them with leggings.

i would also take some sort of childbirth class.
i don't know what type of birth you are looking for but, i found a childbirth preparation course that would prepare me for a natural birth and it REALLY helped. it's just nice to know what to expect no matter what you choose.

Congrats parenthood is great! i am in love with my 4 1/2 month old son!!



answers from Chicago on

Hello A.! Congratulations!!

I would suggest, as I'm sure others will, Motherhood for clothes. There is one off of Fullerton and just west of Clybourn--that big shopping center? Be aware of their strict return policy--but they are extremely helpful and nice.

For some of the same clothes, but a more flexible return policy, go to Macy's Motherhood section. They also carry Mimi Maternity clothes (which don't happen to fit me, but may fit you).

I strongly suggest avoiding the "What to Expect When You're Expecting" book. It *is* extremely popular, but not extremely accurate. Instead, I like the "New Well Pregnancy Book", and the Bradley-style birth books for information. (Whatever method of birthing you choose, Bradley style birth information is extremely helpful, in my opinion.) Randomly, I thought "Birth: the Surprising History of How We're Born" was very interesting and well-written.

GET PREGNANCY MASSAGES at least once a month and even chiropractic care throughout--totally worth the money!! (Thousand Waves Spa on Belmont happens to have at least one certified pregnancy massage therapist, Heidi, and she is great. You should only see a pregnancy certified therapist as there are different stages and contraindications.) Pregnancy massage is also good post-birth, wait until after about 4-6 weeks, for helping your body to recover more quickly. Any complications or C-secs you may have to clear with your doctor/CNM.

There is La Leche League for help with concerns on breastfeeding (google it!). You can get information from the hospital(s) you plan to deliver out of for classes. If you would also be interested in a doula, go through one of the well-respected centers here--there was one over "Women and Children First" in Andersonville but they moved. You would need to find out soon, as they become dedicated to you as a client and have to keep a month window per mother.
(this was an article I just found in googling--

I happened to stop going to my gyn and have since switched to a great CNM (certified nurse midwife) who delivers through Evanston and is associated with gyns (for emergencies). I have found personally that she is more satisfying for listening to all my questions, more years' of experience, has better solutions to concerns, and as a bonus bills less to my insurance...

On a less-fun but important note: Stay on top of your insurance, track all of your EOB's (explanation of benefits) for your own security in the overall cost. Don't just agree to tests unless you know what they are and if you really need a separate office visit for them (like spina bifida--an important test, but has a 4 week window and can be done along with your monthly visits. My gyn tried to get me in twice to double bill me). I used to work in a doctor's office, so I've learned where insurance may say "we didn't get a bill" just to delay payment, then you meanwhile get billed from the doctor. Call your insurance rep if you have questions too.

All in all, just be a bit careful but remember that pregnancy is a state of wellness, not illness! Enjoy it, and never be afraid to ask your medical practitioner questions.
Happy Mommy-making!



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,
I was 29years old as well when i was pregnant and due 12th of September.I now after a wonderful baby boy. Congratulations! it exciting especially for the first one. For Maternity clothing, i would suggest motherhood maternity. Though, i realize you are better off buying top that are free at the belle and then a few maternity clothing cos at the end of your pregnancy you may not use them or better still if you have plans to give them away then that's fine.
For advice, try if you can to avoid drinking coffee, drink a lot of water, try sleeping on your side. Some suggest yoga, i never did but i was very active especially taking walks. Please eat healthy cos it is hard burning off the extra weight after pregnancy.Lastly, get as much rest as you can.

Take care



answers from Chicago on

Hi A., Welcome to the incredible world of pregnancy! Just so you know a little about me and where the advice is coming from...Im 29 year old professional as well with a 13 month old little boy. I live in Old Irving Park and prior to that Wicker Park.

When I got pregnant I always said Id be a "hot" pregnant chick. I love clothes, but my husband doesnt love the cost of the whole new wardrobe.

What to buy really depends on what kind of person you are. If you're laid back and dont really care then Id opt for some basics and call it a day. If your a little more high maintenance (nothing wrong with this!) get the basics and then jazz it up w/ accessories. If you can spend the $ and want to be really swanky, then hit up the mommy boutiques.

I shopped at Macy's, Mimi Maternity, Target and the Gap. I spent the most on jeans because I was pregnant from June-Feb.

Getting involved...I didnt until I had Nolan. Then I highly recommend going to Old Town School of Music for a class or Gymboree. You NEED to be around other moms that are going through what you will be. Heck, head over to Starbucks on Lincoln and strike up a convo with a mom who is struggling to get her kid out of the carseat. Do any of your friends have kids in the city?

FYI I didnt have any friends in the city who had kids when I had my son. I met my best friend at Midway airport. We were on the same flight and were both rocking our babies (same age). We just started talking and found out we lived really close to each other. This is how you meet moms.

There is so much that I have learned. Feel free to send me an email with any questions. I could write forever.



answers from Chicago on

Especially with the first child I worried so much over everything. Everyone had a horror story about childbirth & even the Lamaze class showed a film with worst case scenarios.
With my second I discovered self-hypnosis. I used a recording every day called A RELAXED PREGNANCY & CHILDBIRTH. It helped me release the fear of childbirth. I was so relaxed when my Dr came into the birthing room when I was in labor she thought the resident had medicated me!
Do whatever you can to learn to relax & enjoy!



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.
I am a first time mom of a 8 month old girl. The best thing you can do is attend a Bradley Method Birthing Class. I had an unmedicated birth and this class really made it all possible. Even if a natural birth is not your desire you will still benefit from this class tremdously. You'll learn about your options in childbirth, relaxation exercises during labor, nutrition during pregnancy, procedures for newborns and newborn care. The knowlegde that my husband and I learned allowed us to go into the hospital to give birth with confidence and we felt that we were in control of our birth. This class is a 12 week class and about $300.00, it is WORTH IT! Check out their website
I hope this is helpful and enjoy your pregnancy.




answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,
Check out Be By Baby in Chicago. They have nursing clothes, different baby wearing slings to try on before you buy, and lots of other fun things. I also like
Have fun, L.



answers from Chicago on

Hi A., Congrats on the new baby, hope all is well.
Well my tips would be to look into the cord blood, if you plan on it, which I think it's very important, with all these health issues that exist, I used Neocells located in Chicago plus very affordable.
another thing I thought was pictures,lots of them, especially a maternity photoshoot, I used, super affordable prices, if you use her tell her Maria recommmended you, those photoshoots costs in the hundreds, she does them for $100 and she goes to your location. hope this helps, Good Luck!!!Maria.H



answers from Chicago on

Hi A. - congrats! The one thing I'll recommend is that you go to prenatal yoga. I went every week from about 16 wks until I delivered and it was fantastic. I had few of the normal aches and pains, it was great to have an expert to talk about concerns and fears with, and a nice community of women going through the same things as you. I went to Bloom Yoga Studio on Wednesdays with Dee. Good luck and congrats again!



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,

There is a yoga studio close to you ccalled Bloom which I am sure you have heard about and they are fantastic and really look after the pregnant girls...good luck



answers from Chicago on

Once your baby is born I'd try to join a playgroup. Definitely get out and try to meet other new moms. It really helps!

I joined the Northside Parents Network (can't remember the web address, look them up on google) and met up with a new moms group that blossomed into wonderful ongoing friendships. 4 years later, we're all still friends!

I'd also get out to as many parks around the city. That's also another great way to meet other moms.



answers from Chicago on

A. -

I also live in Lincoln Square and thought it was a great place to be pregnant and now raise a young son, because there are many other young children in the neighborhood. Other people have recommended this too, but I highly recommend going to prenatal yoga at Bloom by the Rockwell stop. Not only does the yoga really help with the pregnancy aches and pains, but it also doubles as a support group. You make friends with the other moms-to-be and you can learn what to expect from the other women who are further along. I went Monday nights with Kerry and she is a fabulous person.



answers from Chicago on

Kohl's really is the best. Very reasonable clothing, great quality, and has all the basics. If you drive, park on the second floor (Elston near Armitage). There's always a ton of spaces and the maternity dept is on the second floor. Easy access. It was my saviour. Old Navy has a big maternity dept but I didn't find their clothing forgiving. CONGRATULATIONS!!!



answers from Chicago on

Congratulations A.!

I am in my second trimester and I also live in Chicago so I am going through many of the same questions. The March 2008 issue of Chicago magazine is a great resource. It lists several local options for maternity clothing (I personally have had great luck with the gap maternity), nannies, and pregnancy networks across the city from prenatal yoga to mommy and me classes after the baby is born. I hope this helps!




answers from Chicago on

Hi A.,

Congratulations! I'm a working mom that lives in Roscoe Village. I just had my second daughter a month ago and my older is 2 1/2. As far as maternity clothes, depends on what you want to spend. I loved Belly Dance in Bucktown for some splurge work items (Kickin' in Roscoe Village has similar things, but I haven't personally bought anything there). I built the rest of my wardrobe from a combination of Gap Maternity, Target and Mimi/Motherhood.

Best of luck - hope you're feeling well.



answers from Chicago on

Hi A.--I'm in the same hood and expecting my first in August. I'm starting maternity wise with Target as they're reasonable with cost and have some mix and match you can count on for work. The one hitch is size--I'm a petite so much is too long (esp. pants). One good tip a friend gave me is to look for clothes 1-2 sizes up, but not necessarily maternity until you're really starting to get big.

Try your hospital for classes as you may get a cheaper rate on things like Infant CPR, birthing, and infant childcare. If you have some money and can join a gym, I go to Swedish Covenant; they're hospital affiliated so it's comforting to work out knowing there are doctors and nurses in the vicinity--and it's not a meat market gym! (Lot's of people in their 30s and 40s.) They also offer a great lineup of pre-natal and post-baby workout classes.

Good luck! S.

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