Expecting twins..words of Advice for Month One?

Updated on August 12, 2016
J.F. asks from Atkinson, NH
9 answers

Expecting twins in a couple of weeks, I think we feel ready! Did bunch of freezer meals so have about 16 dinners on hand, nursery is set, all the gear is ready, hospital bags are packed! Anything else that would be helpful to be ready for those blurry-eyed first couple of months? I'm exhausted just thinking about it, plus I'm just...exhausted! Ha!!!

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So What Happened?

Well, we survived first month and the babies are great. The biggest help was prepped meals and for the first couple of weeks when all the visitors came I asked them to bring me fruit (if they asked to bring something), which was great!

And we started getting them on the same schedule right away, which is worth the effort otherwise you never have a break!

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answers from Washington DC on

anyone who offers to help - let them.

hire a cleaning company to come in and clean the house, if that's something that's important to you.

Don't be afraid to tell people you need a break. It doesn't make you a bad mom. The first year is the hardest year. Even if you need a 45 minute break. Take it.

You are NOT alone. Don't act like you are alone!

Don't set high expectations. Just go with it. Sleep when they sleep.


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answers from Norfolk on

If anyone offers to help - take them up on it!
They can watch the kids for a few hours while you catch a nap.

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answers from New York on

Dried fruit and nuts cheese sticks hard boiled eggs apples. Anything that is healthy and keeps and you can eat at all hours of the day and night. Didn't have twins but every time this momma was ready to sit down for a meal wouldn't you know it, baby was crying. A quick healthy snack that I could eat even with baby in hand was helpful. Best for an easy delivery and healthy kiddies.

F. B.

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answers from Boston on

When someone offers to help you always say YES. People love to do stuff for you so let them. Try to get them on the same schedule by feeding at the same time. If you don't then your day will be feed one, burp, change, repeat. Put things in central locations in your house. I had a set up to change diapers in the living room (where I was spending most of the day) so that I didn't have to walk into another room do change one of the 9 million diapers newborns make ever day. It was temporary only being there for a few months but it was great. I also had clean clothes in a laundry basket and a basket for dirty clothes so I didn't have to go anywhere to change an outfit on the twins.

When people come over don't feel you have to entertain them. Let them know that right now you are overwhelmed so if they come they are on their own. Don't feel like you have to go places and do things to be a productive member of society. For the first few months the only thing you need to do is be a mom and do the things required to keep your kids fed, dresses, and cared for.

Mostly just know that you'll feel like a hero, a failure, and a just ok mom every single day. That's ok. You are doing your best at a difficult time. Be kind to yourself. They are too young to hold anything against you as infants anyways. lol. Best of luck at a fast labor, healthy babies, and a quick recovery.

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answers from Miami on

If you are going to try to nurse, make sure you have a good lactation consultant on call. NOT just whatever is offered at the hospital but someone you can call and have visit you at the hospital and home afterwards. Nursing is tough and nursing two is even tougher - have that number in your hospital bag. Congrats!

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answers from Chicago on

Congratulations! Double fun! I do not have twins but have been observing my nephew's twins (just turned three) and I think I want to add the same for anyone with one or two babies. Do not have expectations for yourself that will disappoint you if you can't achieve them. In otherwords, if you expect to be superwoman and want the house clean and perfect twenty four hours a day -wait until they are in their late teens, no make that early twenties, before you expect that again. Enjoy what time you have with them and do not feel guilty if there are moments you don't. Little people grow up in spite of us. And by golly unless you know for sure that someone is truly a very horrible person,welcome anyone who wants to hold them and bounce them on their knees. If you can afford it get help, a local student or neighborhood person who wants a few dollars and loves babies. And there are a lot of twin groups out there. If you have a second google those and enjoy their support.

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answers from New York on

I have twins and in the beginning the most important thing is to get them on the same schedule. They need to eat together and sleep together otherwise you will never get a break. It is also important for any caretakers to understand the importance of keeping them on schedule together. My mother or mother-in-law would come in to help but they would feed one and not the other or let one sleep while the other was awake. Your life will be a lot easier if you can get them to eat and sleep at the same time.
There are sites which cater to multiples. I was able to get a nursing pillow for twins so I could nurse both at the same time. You will also most likely have to supplement with formula because it is hard to produce enough milk to satisfy 2.
I found the most difficult time to be once they started to move. My son would climb everything including bookcases. They would go in 2 different directions. It was impossible to go to the bathroom or do dishes. Playpens were too small and doorway gates did not prevent them from climbing up bookcases so I got large configurable gates. You can find them for kids but the same ones are sold through Pet stores. You can configure a large area in a room that gives them room to move around but keeps them safe if you need to go to the bathroom.
My twins are now 11. It has been a wonderful experience overall. They have a built in playmate and best friend. I have a boy and girl so I felt as if I hit the baby jackpot. Instant family in one shot :) Best of luck with your twins and cherish every second. It all flies by way to quickly.



answers from Beaumont on

You might want to make a plan to get the house cleaned. Maybe friends who offer to help? Maybe a professional service?



answers from Oklahoma City on

Have help, anyone who will come and change diapers, hold them to rock, give them a bottle if you're not breastfeeding, etc...you need all the rest you can get.

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