Respiratory: The First Years

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60 answers

Advice on Allergies and Asthma in 4 Year Old

My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out she had pneumonia). I saw an allergist who said she definitly has Asthma. He prescribed Zyrtec, Nasonex, and Advair. I don't believe my daughter needs all of these medications and I'm seeking a second opinion this week. I gave my daughter the Zyrtec and this morning she had a coughing fit, followed by vomiting. I won't give her the Advair until I see a Pulm. Specialist. I...


Help with Pneumonia

Hi all, my son will be 4 in October and this is his 4th time getting...


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Allergy or What?

When getting my 2 year old ready for dinner i took her shirt off and found...


Allergy or Not?

Recently my hands and feet started to itch something fierce. I thought...


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20 answers

Is It Asthma?

My 1 year old son has had a cough since the second week in January. He'll wake up in the middle of the night just hacking and chocking. He has a few fits during the day as well but it's really a night time thing. I've tried every kind of medicine there is and nothing seems to work. His ped. wants to start him on Asthma meds. to see if they help. Does this sound familiar to anyone? Does my son have asthma? I hate to label him with such a restricting illness.


Cold & Flu

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4 answers

Runny Nose and Wet Cough Days After Having Fevere for 2 Days

She had fever up to 102 for two days. The doctor sad that it's just a virus and it will go away by itself. 2 days after the fever she stared having runny nose and wet cough. And I am worried that this is just escalating into something more serious. In all her life she never had a fever before and only had runny nose twice for a day. And I tend to freak out 😱😩


Cold and Cough

hi, my 3 years old just started preschool at unlv preschool in september,...