Language Skills: Babies 'R' Us

15 answers

10 Month Old Not Self Feeding

Hi, My 10 month old son is not interested in self-feeding. He has never tried to hold the bottle, although I haven't encouraged it. I put food on his high chair and he waits until I feed him. I plan on talking to his Dr. but I was just wondering if this was more common than I thought at 10 months. He was 3 weeks early. He has been a little slower with motor skills, but excelled with language skills. So Im not sure if this is just another thing that he will do a few weeks later than expected or I should worry at this point. ...


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51 answers

Learning to Read

I have been trying to teach my 5 year old how to read. I've been using the Kumon books as a reference. They seem to keep his attention more than the Hooked on Phonics books did. My problem is that he has a very hard time remember what sound the letters make. I feel horrible because I get frustrated with him because I feel like he isn't paying attention. We will go over one letter several times and then start another letter. Then I go back to the beginning letter again and he has already forgotten what sound it makes. He doesn't have...


Baby Can Read

hi, i saw they have in babies r us this DVD called : Your Baby Can Read! DVD...