Adoption: Tween

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51 answers

Supervising Instant Messaging of 12 Year Old Girl

My 12 year old daughter has been on IM for for a few months. Before this, she was on email, which I told her I was supervising (reading periodically). There were several times when I stepped in about crude language and even sexual content "Sleep with him." So I suspended email for awhile. Now the coast has been clear for awhile, and she is on email and IM. This time, I am finding the language is worse. I can see this because her IM is linked to my email, and when I am on, her messages pop up. I told her this, and that I was trying to block...


Fost to Adopt

Has anyone ever done the fost to adopt program. If you have I would like to...


Hoping to Adopt

If anyone knows of a possible adoption situation...please help my husband...