Photo by: Ahmed Rabea

I'm a Better Mom on Coffee

by Home Made Modern Mom
Photo by: Ahmed Rabea

A letter to my girls:

Dear Girlies,

I’m just going to say it: You guys wear me out. That said, I’ve discovered the wonders of caffeine in recent weeks. I lived 34 years without drinking coffee, but one day, around 4 o’clock—my usual low-point—I had the not-so-novel idea that some caffeine may help me get through the hours before dinner. After only one cup, I thought, “This stuff is legal?!” I realized, since drinking the stuff, that I am probably a better mom on coffee. That is to say, when I have energy. Thus began my reflection on how I hope you might one day look back on our days together when you were little.

I hope you remember that we went for lots of hikes in the Valley so you could smell the fresh air and get in touch with nature, and not just the times I hoped you’d watch “Olivia” a little longer so I could sit still for a minute.

I hope you remember home-cooked meals and lots of fresh veggies and fruits, and not just the times I served chicken nuggets again because I was too exhausted to think about dinner.

I hope you remember that I talked to you patiently and calmly when you were having a rough day, and not just the times I said something like, “Because I said so.” Ugh.

I hope you remember that I listened to you and engaged in conversations with you, and not just the times I absentmindedly responded, “Mm-hmm” to something you were trying to tell me.

I hope you remember that I answered most of your questions thoughtfully, and not just the times I stopped responding because I was too tired to think of one more answer.

I hope you remember that I let you get messy in the sandbox, the flowerbeds, and in mud puddles, and not just the times I said, “Not today,” because I didn’t want to clean up the mess.

I hope you remember that I sat on the floor with you for lots of hours of reading and playing, and not just the times I asked you to entertain yourself so I could fold laundry or empty the dishwasher because I didn’t want to be doing those tasks at 10 o’clock.

I hope you remember that we ran through the sprinkler, played in the snow, and jumped in the leaves, and not just the times I said, “We don’t have time.”

I hope you remember that we spent hours reading together, making crafts, coloring, baking, imagining, exploring, and just being goofy. Mostly, I hope you remember me loving every minute of it. With or without coffee.

Love, Mama

Home Made Modern Mom is a reading, thinking, former librarian who is actively searching for ways to inject style and personality into her gig as a SAHM. According to her, “I believe that the little things in life matter, and that if even just a little creativity and inspiration creeps into the everyday tasks I have to accomplish, my family will feel special, and I’ll retain a sense of myself.”

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Oh how true! Although I have found that pomegranate capsules found over the counter works very well also. After a few days the energy and alertness is noticeable. I love the coffee but I am not happy with the indigestion it gives me. Hope this helps.

Like PartlySunny I also suffer from Chronic Pain (in my case, Fibromyalgia) and TOTALLY relate to the "walking through mud" analogy...

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I started on coffee at age 32 after never being a drinker. It was innocent enough - a fancy latte that my sister-in-law fixed me. It was tasty and the caffeine was so nice... Next, my husband got me a little espresso machine so I could make my own. And I did - occasionally. I tended to be a seasonal drinker. If it was cold, I'd fix some coffee. Next thing you know I bought a small coffee maker - just a 4 cup maker - and would have coffee a few times a week...

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Thank you so much for the sweet read. I have a cup of coffee in the morning and a good glass of tea sometime in the afternoon. It really does help me to be more enthusiastic about everything!

This is so insightful and I think we ALL can be inspired ....and maybe a little convicted by these beautifully written thoughts. I look forward to reading more of your writing; you definitely have a gift. It sounds like your girls do too - in you.

What a great reminder of how we should be with our kids and how thankful we can be with all the beautiful things God surrounds us with! Thanks!

I had to respond for two reasons. First, isn't this how so many of us moms feel. We hope and pray that our children will grow up and remember all the best times of their childhood. (To which I can say that is what I remember of my childhood so I take that as a good sign.) Second is a response to Jill. I think you missed the point of Home Made Modern Mom's blog. If you reread you see that it isn't about using caffeine for energy...

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Please make sure you make a copy for each child so they have it when they are older.

It will give them great memories of MOM!

God Bless

Beautiful, loving sentiments :) I make it through on TEA, with local honey.

Great post! I definitely know the feeling. I wouldn't survive life with a toddler without my coffee.

I really look at Coffee as a life saver. my mom just went through Herniated Disc Surgery and she had a cruciating headache that nothing was helping her get rid of and a friend of hers told her to take coffee and benadryl and 1/2 hour later my mom was pain free it was incredible. So Thank God For Coffee

Millions of people drink coffee and so to the naysayers i say coffee is loaded with Antioxidants so its good for you!!

And yet... I hope you remember that I wasn't perfect either. So that one day, when you're a mama, you'll do your best but forgive yourself for your day-to-day little failings. And try again the next morning. No sense holding yourself to an impossibly perfect standard, one that doesn't truly exist. ;)

To quote an old song: "I second that emotion"! I'm fond of my morning ritual cup of tea (and often another in the afternoon.) I can live without it, but why?:) We do the best we can, and sometimes life gets in the way of our being the perfect parents we want to be. I hope my son remembers the best of what I had to offer, and also that sometimes, the best of what I had in that moment was all I could offer. Which might mean frozen mac-n-cheese!

Now all you need to do is take the coffee habit to a new level, coffee with a fantastic health benefit. Before I found Gano, I NEVER drank coffee, now I drink it almost daily and on those days when I am in need of an energy boost, I break out that special blend and I keeps me going. i call it coffee with a twist.

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