Photo by: Herr Bert

Identity Crisis

Photo by: Herr Bert

We spend our lives reinventing ourselves. As a baby, you first learn your name. When you’re a child you identify yourself as “Daughter”, “Sister”, “Student” and “Friend”. As a young adult your beliefs and your occupations lead the way in helping you develop a sense of self – “Christian”, “Graphic Designer”, “Republican”, “Volunteer”. Getting married gives you the biggest identity change yet – “Wife”. It’s such a radical shift that most women change their name, the name you were born with that first defined you. With this new phase, come expectations from yourself and your spouse as to how you will develop into this role. It was a very difficult time for me. I struggled with how to incorporate the elements from my parents’ marriage that I wanted to emulate with the contrast of my reality as well as what I imagined my husband expected from me. I finally got a good grasp of that piece of my life when the next identity change happened – becoming a mother. And talk about a transformation!

I LOVE being a mom. It’s the most incredible blessing – full of joy, fear, wonder, frustration. It’s made me a better wife, a better worker (ok, except when I’ve been sleep deprived), a better person in general. It has truly changed my identity. My lifestyle changed quite a bit when I got married, but it is much different now. I used to go to happy hour, work late, sleep in on the weekends, take spontaneous trips out of town. When we had our first daughter, I initially felt a little nostalgic when friends would make last minute plans to go to dinner and I would have to decline, but as time went on, it bothered me less. It’s not like I wasn’t still doing fun things without my family (heaven knows I need to have some time away to regroup and replenish), I just had to plan for them, and I didn’t do them as often. And that was perfectly fine. I would reminisce with friends about our crazy single days and I thought of them with fond memories, but that was all.

Then last week, a friend who had been in Mexico two years with the Peace Corps returned home. Plans were made for a night out on the town to welcome him home. The plan was to go on newly available hop-on-hop-off trolley pub crawl around the city. My wonderful husband agreed to stay home with the girls so I could have a night of fun. I was excited to go, but also aware that I wouldn’t really be able to fully enjoy the benefits of this activity since the negatives of doing so far outweighed the positives. If I chose to stay out as late as the trolley ran, I would still have to get up at 6:30am since sleeping in is no longer possible. And while being hungover was never fun, doing so with small children would be torture. Also, I wanted to be home to put the babies to bed so I wouldn’t be able to meet up with everyone at the beginning. These alterations are typical for outings with my single friends, and I never think twice about it.

But Friday night, I was talking with some of the people who were going out on Saturday night, and the strangest thing happened. This group of friends has evolved over the years as people have moved or married or stopped hanging out for some reason and others have been absorbed into the fold. We were going over the details for Saturday, and I said, “Mama Jenn needs a night off. Party Jenn will be there!” One of the girls said, “Wow, I don’t think I’ve met Party Jenn!” I laughed and realized that was probably true. She’d only been a part of the group for a short time….probably around 2004-ish…wait a minute… that’s SIX YEARS. Has Party Jenn really been gone for six whole years?!?!? I was surprised how much this affected me. I was really upset. I started thinking of my single years with more than just a fond remembrance but as a deep loss, as if those were my glory days and the best years of my life had passed. I was determined to show her how fun I could be, consequences be damned.

Saturday night, I went out and truly intended to be home at a reasonable time after a reasonable amount of drinking, but one thing lead to another, and suddenly I realized I’d had too much to drink and would have to stay out longer to sober up so I could drive home. I had a great time seeing friends I hadn’t seen in a long time, catching up, and sharing crazy stories with the newer members of the group. I got home at 3:30am – yikes! Three hours later when my girls woke up, I was so excited to see them that I was not nearly as tired as I should have been. And I realized that those single days were fun, but snuggling with my babies early in the morning was just as much fun, and I didn’t miss going out nearly as much as I miss them when I’m away. Though Party Jenn still exists and will always be part of me, Mama Jenn is in the forefront now, and I’m so thankful to be at this point in my life.

Jennifer Barr is happily married and living in the ‘burbs with two daughters, 3 going on 13, and 8 months.

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Sense of self as "Christian” “Republican" seemed very limited & majority-ish. Some less majority options could have also been suggested. Also, while it was obvious that the writer experienced some cognitive dissonance about going out, it was also an option to just go for a bit & go home. Glad she, at least, figured out the hard way that there is nothing better on the other side.

I have had this issue with myself as well as my husband. He believes going out is not what a wife should do unless with her husband and even then that can be an issue. There will be no drinking, dancing or bar hopping and if it was for a male friend that would definitely be a fight. Having a very hard time adjusting to marriage more than being a mom. I love my little ones and spending time with them. Its the hot or cold weather I have to do it in that sucks. LOL

I wish that I could turn the clock back 35 years. I would start all over again. Don't get me wrong, I love my kids, but I would like to say "no" to marriage and just start over. You all have "wonderful,loving, caring, helpful husbands" that's terrific. Can't say the same, can't stand the thought of him, haven't been "married" for over 9 years. He's like the homeless doga you let in your house because he had nowhere to go and now you're stuck with it laying on your floor...

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I kinda lucked out when it came to this particular issue-I started 'partying' at age 8. I partied so much, I ended up spending an entire year in jail. 2 months after my release, I became pregnant with, and had my son, now nearly 4 years old,at age 26. I simply can not 'party'...

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Wow this article definitely came at a good time for me too! I was just saying to my husband how over the past few years of marriage and two beautiful daughters (2 and 4 months), I feel like I lost "me" somewhere along the line. But I have to embrace that a huge part of "me" is being a mommy. I do sometimes miss the party and single days, but wouldn't trade my current life with my kids and family for anything. It's all about finding some balance so that we can be wife and mom and our old selves...

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AMEN!!!! I have been in a total identity crisis since my kid was born 18 mo ago! I can't see the party mama in many of the new mom friends I've made, and wonder if I'm not "supposed" to want to party anymore. But just last week, I talked my book club into going out clubbing after our next mtg. I'm probably looking fw to it more than any of the other girls!

Great article!

I loved your article. I remember those days well and believe you have captured them wonderfully. You have also stimulated some supper responses. I'm going to put in my two cents worth since I notice that so far everyone with something to say has young children.

As a "senior mom" I can tell you will have some more identity issues in your future to enjoy...

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I have been struggling with my "identity change" for some time, and this article really nailed it for me. Thanks!

Thanks for this article. I married at 19 and was pregnant at 20 and had my first baby 5 months after my 21st birthday. Now I'm a 30yr old, recently divorced, mom of 4 small kids. Finding babysitters for all 4 is nearly impossible. I've been wondering if I made the right choice. I've never been a "party girl." It sounds fun, but I'm glad to hear from someone who lived it, that motherhood is definitely more rewarding.

ahhhh yes! I know these feelings all too well. The part that bums me out the most is being left out of plans because I am a mom. I also struggle with the "Party Free Spirited Jenn" & the "Mama Jenn" but the person who struggles the most is my fiance. He met the crazy , wild uninhibited Jenn who just picked up and went where ever. The having a plan for everything seems to freak him out. I also struggle with you just cant have a drink or 3 and feel free ever again in your life...

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Thank you for writing about a subject that most women are afraid to mention, I suspect because of guilt more than anything. I am 37, had my son at 34 and am currently working daily to reclaim aspects of myself that I felt I 'should' put off in order to be a good mother and wife...

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After 20 years of marriage and having almost-adult children at home, I regained part of my Party Girl by going to karaoke with the girls once a week. It's a short 8-12 night and 3 beers keeps me under the limit instead of under the table.

I don't have to be the same Party Girl I was 25 years ago. I don't want to be. But I don't have to give her up completely either. Even my kids who drive make sure that someone is going to be home to watch the youngest so that Mom can get out...

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Thanks, ladies! I'm glad to hear I struck a note with you. It does feel isolating sometimes, or can make me feel like a bad mom to miss those times. It helps to know others have those feelings. And I couldn't agree more with all of you saying that being a mom is even more fun. Julie, I love how you put it - Party Julie never had it as good as Mama Julie does - so true!

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