Wheat, Gluten & Oatmeal: Toddler, Singulair

Results 31-40 from 204 articles

Advice on Giving Daily Allergy Meds to 2-1/2 y.o.

H.L. asks from Syracuse

I am having the toughest time trying to get my daughter (2 1/2 years old) to take her daily Zyrtec medicine, luckily it is a once a day thing. Up until about 3 weeks...


Soon to Be 6 Month Old Is Wheezing

A.M. asks from Phoenix

My son will be 6 months old on Feb 6th. He got a bad cold while in day care about 2 1/2 months ago and has not seemed to be the same since. We have gone to the doctor...


Why Is My Son Getting hives...had Allergy Testing for Food Came Back Negative

C.C. asks from Philadelphia

Ok now for about 6 months very sporadic my middle child is getting hives. He had blood test on some food yesterday he he bad the skin test everything came back normal...


11 Month Old and "asthma"...what Else Can We Do?

A.M. asks from Lakeland

Hey Everyone, My 11 month old son has been having some health issues for the past couple of months. He constantly has had a runny clear nose, coughing, and now a d...


Unusual Behavior May Be Linked to Children's Zyrtec Allergy Medicine

S.C. asks from Louisville

My 7yr old son has been taking Children's Zyrtec Allergy medicine for the past 2 weeks. My husband and I have witnessed some major behavior changes in our son. He s...


Continuous Sinus/Allergie Problems Every Month?

L.B. asks from Chicago

In the last few months, my daughter has been experiencing many sinus/allergy problems that have really started to upset her. Whenever she goes through this phase of ...


Giving Zyrtec to a 10 Month Old?

A.H. asks from Nashville

My 10 month old daughter has suffered from nasal congestion and a runny nose for most of her 10 months. She also occasionally breaks out in sporadic little red bumps...


11 Month Old Prescribed Pulmicort

L.C. asks from Athens

My 11 month son who wheezes from time to time had a recheck on his ear infection today. Well he was wheezing today and the doctor prescribed Pulmicort to use in his ...


Medical Care for a Coughing Toddler

E.C. asks from Dallas

I have a toddler (20 months old) that has been stuffed up for a few days. Now she has developed a cough because of the drainage. She doesn't seem to be infected becau...


Allergist V/s Pediatritian

Y.S. asks from Chicago

Hello moms, my son's pediatrician has prescribed us Nasacort nose spray then Claritin, Benadryl, Singulair, none seem to work for him. I'm wondering if I should take ...