Warmer & Sterilizer: Infant, Princess

Results 41-50 from 128 articles

Am I Too Lenient?

J.R. asks from Grand Rapids

Today I spent some time with some cousins who also have young children. While we were together I got a lot of: "YOU LET HIM DO THAT?" regarding my 2-year-old son. E...


Cloth Diapers & Powder?

M.D. asks from Houston

Hello Moms~ My first daughter is 6 weeks old and has diaper rash. We own a bunch of cloth diapers and have already tried them out and like them. However she has had a...


Managing Two Kids

L.H. asks from San Antonio

Hi, I have a 23 month old son and a 1 month old daughter. He goes to Montessori during the weekdays. Before she was born I was able to devote my afterwork time to ...


Seeking Help with Clingy and Emotional 4 Year Old

S.N. asks from Chicago

I am seeking help with my 4 year old daughter. She is very attached to me and always has been. She is literally under my feet all day long. I am tripping on her e...


Cloth Diapering

D.F. asks from Raleigh

I have a four-month-old daughter, and I am thinking about cloth diapering. My four-year-old son only wore disposable diapers, so this is all new to me. Though cloth i...


How Long Is Too Long for My 2 Year Old to Cry for Her Binky at Night?

G.G. asks from Kansas City

I have a 2 year old little girl, and we just took her binky away on Friday. She is still crying for it, and she cries for an hour or more at night or just plain refus...


Breastfeeding Questions

D.M. asks from Dallas

Hello all! I am 24 weeks pregnant with our second child and I have been thinking, naturally, about breastfeeding after she is born. With my first child, I was deter...


3 Year Old Girl Birthday gifts...any Suggestions??

M.C. asks from Miami

Hello ladies! I was just wondering what your 3 y/o girls are playing with? I am going to a b-day party next weekend and was just wondering what is popular amongst ...


Ideas for a 4 Year Old Birthday Party

A.H. asks from Fayetteville

Hi everyone! I was wondering if you all had any really fun ideas for a 4 year old birthday for a little boy. Last year we invited friends and family and had kind of...


Calling All Moms with Busy Toddler Boys!

B.T. asks from Tulsa

I have a 23 month old son who I can't bring on any kind of errand. After five minutes of being confined in a stroller, shopping cart, or my arms, he turns into a ter...