Warmer & Sterilizer: Infant, Nuby

Results 41-50 from 215 articles

Baby Thinks He's Too Old for a Bottle

J.N. asks from Omaha

My 6 1/2 month old has decided he doesn't want to drink out of a bottle anymore. When I try to give him milk from the bottle, he refuses, or he drinks really slowly, ...


Help! My Baby Won't Hold His Own Bottle!

J.D. asks from Bangor

My son Jack will be a year old on 9/17. Hard to imagine! I've always had feeding problems with him, as he is not the most enthusiastic eater. Here's our latest dilemm...


Looking for Baby Formula Recommendation

P.S. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter is 8 months old and is still nursing full time. For various reasons, I would like to start supplementing one feeding a day with some formula. I don't kn...


Harmful Plastics

L.B. asks from Indianapolis

I have been hearing a lot about how harmful the plastics are in baby bottles. I use Avent bottles for my girls and I was told the plastic could be toxic. Does anyon...


How Do You Wean Your Baby off Beastmilk

L.S. asks from New York

Hi Moms, I had a goal to breastfeed my daughter till she was 1. Well, I did it without ever giving her anything but breastmilk. She will be 1 at the end of the month...


A Better Straw Sipper Cup

J.B. asks from Huntsville

Hi. I have recently started my daughter on a straw sipper cup because she couldn't hold up a regular sipper cup enough to get a drink. The kind of cup we got was a ...


BPA Free Bottle Recommendations

T.M. asks from Chicago

With my first baby I used Avent bottles, but now with my next baby on the way, I have learned more about the importance of Bisphenol-a (BPA) Free bottles. What are y...


Non Clogging Sippy Cup

S.K. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have a recommendation for a sippy cup whose valve doesn't clog with whole milk. My daughter has just begun to accept milk in a sippy cup but after the fi...


How Do I Switch My Son to a Sippy Cup/

A.S. asks from Las Vegas

Hello. My son is 15 months old and WILL NOT take a sippy. I have bought just about every type I can and he will refuse all of them. He will take the Nuby one for a...


Transitioning Milk from Bottle to Sippy...

S.S. asks from New York

My 14 month old won't take milk in his sippy - I have tried - though not consistent to give him his milk in a sippy cup and not in a bottle but when he hands me back ...