Trying for a Boy or a Girl: Child, Boudreaux's Butt Paste

Results 21-30 from 142 articles

How to handle diaper rashes on girl infant that come and go?

D.B. asks from Dallas

My 17 month old girl has some sort of a rash in her diaper area. It goes all the way from the front all the way up to the top of her crack in the back. I've been putt...


Diaper Rash

T.R. asks from Reading

Good Morning Ladies - I'm hoping you may have some suggestions for me. I have a 7 month old girl who has a really bad case of diaper rash. I've done everything - ...


Need Help W/ Super Duper Diaper Rash

C.C. asks from Denver

hi moms, i have a 17 mo old little girl who gets a super duper red and painful diaper rash once in awhile. anyone have a quick cure? we use desitin but it doesn'...


Diaper Rash

D.H. asks from Dallas

Okay yall, its been awhile since I've had a little one with diaper rash. I have forgotten what works the best... I don’t know if he’s just very unhappy but the ...


Balmex Diaper Cream

J.B. asks from Boston

Hi Mom Have any of you every used the Balmex Cream on your precious ones and had a bad reaction, I have always used it on my three year old and had no problems i s...


Diaper Rash

C.H. asks from New York

I am looking for an alternative to Desitin, Balmex and A&D. My youngest has diaper rash on and off and the A& D does not work for her. She screams when I put Desiti...


Diaper Rash

N.A. asks from Auburn

My daughter is 13 months old and get diaper rash ALL the time. We change her constantly and put diaper rash cream on her every time we change her trying to make sure...


Need Help Daughter Is Potty Training and NOW Has Diaper Rash!!!

C.V. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter has NEVER had a case of diaper rash and she will be 3yo very shortly!!! Somehow she has come down with a SORE case of diaper rash!!! The painful winces ...


Diaper Rash

K.W. asks from Dallas

my 2yr old daughter has been sick for the entire month of october with a virus and ear infections and now she has a horrible diaper rash that desitin isnt...


Terrible Rash, Please Help!

C.T. asks from Cleveland

Dear Moms, My almost 6 month-old baby girl have never had a rash before, but now it started and it is terribly strong! I have being introducing her to new foods and ...