Toys: Toddler, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 556 articles

Driving Alone with 13 Month Old

M.G. asks from Biloxi

Although this will not be my first trip alone with my son, it is the first since he as been forward-facing and ACTIVE! It is a miracle if we get to daycare and home...


DIY Toys from Cardboard...

J.S. asks from Minneapolis

Hi ladies and gents, Every year, I help my kids make each other gifts. In the past we've made books with empty pages (like journals I guess) so kids could write t...


Need Help with Activities for 19 Month Old

A.W. asks from Seattle

HI- I don't even know what to title this request but I need some advice. And I am sure that once our weather gets better and we can get outside more, then I will fe...


Need Advice on Taking a Road Trip with a 14 Month Old

S.K. asks from Dallas

We are about to take a 10 hr trip with my 14 month old son. I am very nervous about it. The last thing I want is to be stuck in a car with ten hours of screaming. ...


Need Suggestions for Fine-motor Skill Development Toys for 3 Year Old

K.J. asks from Chicago

My 3 year old son is very advanced at gross motor activities, such as climbing, but he's pretty lazy when it comes to fine motor development. He is good at choosin...


Flying with 16 Month Old

B.R. asks from Dallas

We are flying next week with our 16 month old- the flight is 4.5 hours. Does anyone have any tips on flying with a toddler? He is very active and all over the place...


How Do I Help My 15 Month Old Learn Words?

H.M. asks from Dallas

Hey Mamas! Let me just say, I realize that all babies learn at their own pace and I know talking is one of those things that they just do when they're ready. That sa...


Ideas on Activities for a 13 Month Old

M.S. asks from Boston

I am looking for different types of activities to do with my 13 month old daughter,I want her to be able to earn something as we as have fun, but I want to try somet...


Taking 14 Month Old on Plane

E.G. asks from Dallas

Any tips on how to handle a demanding 14 month old girl on air plane? She wants what she wants when she wants it and i am dreading this trip. She is not a cuddly ba...


16 Month Old on an Airplane

S.T. asks from Salt Lake City

My 16 month old son and I are going to Travel to my parents, and I am having anxiety about the airplane ride. He is a very rambunctious little guy who can't EVER sit ...