Toe Problems: Toddler, Benadryl

Results 61-70 from 130 articles

Help with Eczema and an Allergist for My One Year Old in the Tampa Area

M.B. asks from Tampa

My little girl (15 months) has eczema all over her back, chest and tummy. It first appeared when she was on antibiotics, getting worse with each course of antibiotic...


Sharing a Room with a Toddler on Vacation

P.B. asks from Dallas

Our 23 month old only falls asleep in her crib or pack n play when she is in a room by herself. Next month we are going on vacation with my in-laws and she will be s...


Allergic Reaction to Amoxicillan

K.W. asks from Dallas

My daughter had an ear infection and the doctor put her on amoxicillan. I started giving it to her last Sat. and then thurs. afternoon I had realized she had thrown-u...


? About Food Allergies

C.W. asks from Washington DC

I don't have any experience with food allergies other than what I have read, so I wanted to get other opinions to see if I am advising my SIL correctly. My 13 month ...


Eczema Nightmare

E.M. asks from Los Angeles

Moms, I am at my wits end over my son's eczema problem (he is 5). For the past two years, the skin on the palm of his left hand has been (still is) cracked. Separa...


Breaking Out in Hives/welts

L.M. asks from Johnson City

my 5 yr old has been breaking out in welts for the past 2 yrs off and on, i give him benedryl and they eventually go away. they usually start on his back and stay the...


What Could This Be?

M.P. asks from Denver

We've taken our son to THREE doctors, all who say they don't have an answer for us. I'm hoping one of you has experienced something similar and have some suggestion ...


Seeking Advice on Hives

C.H. asks from Little Rock

I was wondering if anyone has had the same problem or can give me advice on what to do. I have been waking up on the middle of the night with hives. Sometimes they ...


Airplane Ride

K.W. asks from Dallas

Hi mommies! This may seem like a horrible question to ask, but i have to ask anyways! OKay, i have a 18 month old son and we are going to Disney World next Friday a...


Be My Dr

R.B. asks from La Crosse

My daughter has had this "cold" for 3 months now. It would get a little better then hit her full blast again. All of my kids had colds on and off so I thought she was...