Toddler & Twin Beds: Infant, Angel Care

Results 31-40 from 42 articles

Rookie Moms Newborn Questions

H.J. asks from Chicago

Hello all! I have a few questions I'm hoping you can help me with... I've been told bumpers are bad (SIDS) is it ever OK to use bumpers (at what age)? we are exp...


Does Anyone Know If the Graco Angelcare Movement Sensor Is Worth Getting?

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

I just had my second child about 9 weeks ago and I am thinking about getting one of these movement sensors. I never really worried about SIDS with my first but for s...


4 Month Old Flipping over While Sleeping

A.K. asks from Chicago

My 4 month old daughter has been sleeping through the night sine she was 2 months old--we are lucky! This weekend we were going to transition her from her bassinette...


When to Transition to Pillow & Blanket?

S.B. asks from Dallas

My 15 month old loves pillows and blankets. At what age are they appropriate/recommended for night-time sleep? At night she is usually in a sleep sack so I am not w...


Seperation Anxiety MINE!!!

R.C. asks from Chicago

i am so nervous about letting my 9 month old sleep in her crib in her own room. it is not far from our room and she hardly ever wakes up in the night when she is slee...


11 Week Old Only Wants to Sleep on Stomach or in Swing

G.S. asks from Killeen

Call me paranoid, but it's really bothering me that my 11 week old only wants to sleep on his stomach in his crib. I think he feels more secure and less vulnerable t...



R.S. asks from New York

Hi every1,I wanted 2 know how many mother's put their babies 2 sleep on their stomach? I do it a lot cuz she sleep soo well & 4 a long period of time on her stomach! ...


Sleeping in Crib

K.D. asks from Sacramento

I am having issues putting my 4 month old in his own crib to sleep. I think because I my own insecurities (with the issues we have had in the past in conceiving) I a...


Crib Vs. Bassinet

M.R. asks from Provo

We are buying items for our first child who is on the way soon :). I am looking at all the things to buy, and was wondering about a crib vs . bassinet. I know bassin...


Sleeping with a Blanket

B.M. asks from New York

At what age can children begin to sleep with a blanket. those sleepers only go up to 9 months. i have an 11 month old and his crib is near the air conditioner. i want...