Table Foods: Toddler, Nuby

Results 61-70 from 190 articles

Getting My Toddler to Drink More Milk

C.H. asks from Kansas City

My son just turned one and we immediately switched him over to cow's milk. Our pediatrician told me that my son should be getting between 16 and 24 ounces of milk a d...


9 Month Old Not Refusing Milk N Solids

S.F. asks from Minneapolis

my 9 month old is very fussy and impatient basic issue is his feeding ...he was on top feed since birth but he rejected bottles at 5 months . i used different ...


Toddler Won't Give up the Bottle. Need Help.

T.L. asks from Dallas

I am in the middle of transitioning my 2 year old from the bottle to sippy cups. I haven't gone cold turkey yet. But it's pretty close. No bottle during the day. Only...


My Daughter Will Only Drink Milk from a Bottle.

J.M. asks from Shreveport

My daughter is a beautiful, healthy 20 month old. She has hit all her mile stones on time. She is smart and fairly easy going although she does hate being stuck in th...


How Do I Feed My 1 Year Old Baby?

C.T. asks from Cleveland

Hi, Moms! First, I have to say, I am so glad to have access to this community; I really appreciate all the help you always give me! Second, here goes my problem - I...


Need to Advice How to Begin to Wean Son off Bottle.

Y.S. asks from El Paso

My son LOVES his bottle. I try to give him his sippy and he'll only take maybe an ounce at the most and begins to cry for his bottle if he even sees it in his sight....


Toddler Always Wants to Eat

J.W. asks from Panama City

I have a 21 month old daughter that loves to eat. She has been this way since birth. She was 3 weeks early and only weighed 6 pounds, 8 ounces but she quickly put o...


Taking Daughter off Her Bottle.

D.B. asks from Saginaw

Could someone tell me what an easy or gentle way would be to get my baby girl totally off her bottle? She is 15months old and only gets a bedtime bottle and a 1 napt...


Switching Daughter to Solid Food and off of Bottles

A.A. asks from Sarasota

My daughter will be a year old on Monday and I'm trying to get her used to solid food. She will eat just about anything off of our plates for as long as you will feed...


Follow Up

H.H. asks from Detroit

Thank you everyone for your responses. I was not 'expecting' or 'forcing' my baby to eat table food as was insintuated by some comments. I was only curious since he...