Summer Childcare: Infant, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 70 articles

The Best Age to See Lion King?

A.B. asks from Dallas

I really want to go see the Lion King this Fall. My little guy will turn 2 in July. He LOVES music, but he's also very active. Is it asking too much for him to sit...


Activities for a 7 Month-old

E.N. asks from Chicago

My son, who is just shy of 7 months old, loves activity and entertainment. We are looking at going to Gymboree classes, but they are only once a week and I need idea...


Traveling by Air 1St Time with Two Kids

K.J. asks from Austin

I will be traveling via airplane for a 2-hour trip with my husband, 2 1/2 year old and 8 month old for the first time. Any pointers?


Free and Cheap Entertainment for My 1 1/2 Year Old.

B. asks from Minneapolis

I'm a single mom on a TIGHT budget but want to take my son out to do stuff. Know any places that are low-cost or free that are age appropriate? We're just west of M...


Long Road Trip

K.D. asks from Rapid City

We are going to be going to my parents house for Christmas and it is a 15 hr car ride. We are stopping half way and spending the night, but we will be in the car for...


2 Year Old B-day Party

K.S. asks from Dallas

I keep going back and forth on what to do for my daughter who is about to be two. I am starting to feel the pressure to keep up with the trend of the “over the top ...


Volunteering and Younger Kids

A.W. asks from Chicago

Hey mamas! So, I volunteer once a month at a homeless shelter in the area. I really enjoy it and have been looking for other opportunities for myself and for us to do...


Should I Donate My Son's Clothes or Keep Them for Brother

M.C. asks from Detroit

Hey Moms, This probably sounds silly, but I want to know what other moms do. My storage room is very limited in space. My two sons are 4 years apart. My oldest ...


Best Toddler Toys for Long Plane Trip

A.B. asks from Phoenix

We are about to take our 14-month-old on a long plane trip (14 hours in the air plus one layover). I'd like to buy some new toys to give him on the plane to help keep...


Good Birthday Present for a 7 Year Old Girl?

J.E. asks from Sacramento

My neice will be 7 this weekend. She is a very imaginative little girl - likes to play pretend and dress up. She is a girly girl for sure - not really into outdoors...