Strong Smell: Toddler

Results 51-60 from 969 articles

Help, the Smell Is Too Much to Handle!

E.V. asks from San Francisco

I have been using cloth diapers (fuzzi bunz) and i love them. EXCEPT...they smell soooooooooooooooooo bad after pee has soaked in them. i have 2 other friends who are...


Found in Diaper

N.F. asks from St. Louis

Yesterday when I changed my son's diaper, I noticed there were "crystals" on his skin in the diaper area. It was like there were sprinkles of sugar put on him. Has ...


Diaper Genie or NO Diaper Genie?

M.3. asks from St. Louis

Hello! This is kind of funny that Im on my 3rd child and wondering about a diaper genie. With my 1st baby our house was really small, so it was easy just to throw t...


Diaper Rash

M.B. asks from New York

My son has a bad diaper rash. Desitin is not working. I've been using A&D ointment. Is there anything else I can use or do?


Chemical Smell from Pampers Diapers

S.F. asks from Utica

I just had baby number 2 and she was a very healthy 9 lbs so newborn diapers were a little too small for her. So we went straight to number 1's. We still had a few ...


Diaper Rash with New Diaper

D.S. asks from Dayton

Hi fellow Mommies. I have a question concerning my almost 1 year old daughter. She just learned to crawl at Christmas and my husband decided that since she was crawli...


Diaper Rash

C.H. asks from New York

I am looking for an alternative to Desitin, Balmex and A&D. My youngest has diaper rash on and off and the A& D does not work for her. She screams when I put Desiti...


Diaper Rash

M.G. asks from Dallas

Moms, do you have any secrets to relieving diaper rash?? My 9month has Rotavirus and has sever diaper rash. We have used Butt Paste and soaked her in Domeboro...any o...


Diaper Rash

J.M. asks from St. Louis

HI! Any good remedies or creams that seem to work better to cure diaper rash? I know I've seen questions on this topic before and of course never wrote any ideas dow...


Diaper Question

M.G. asks from New York

So, LO is finally sleeping through the night *happy dance* - but now he is waking up soaked! Literally for 4 of the last 5 nights he wakes up with wet pjs and a diap...