Sleep: Toddler, Pack n Play

Results 21-30 from 1,149 articles

How to Get 21 Month Olds to Sleep in Their Bed

K.H. asks from Pensacola

Ok I need MAJOR HELP!! My husband and I have been trying to convert our 21 month old twins from their crib to toddler beds...We just took the front off the crib, it'...


What Does Your 2 Year Old Sleep in on Vacation?

M.D. asks from San Francisco

Hello all, We have a two year old son that still sleeps in his crib at home (and I think is definitely NOT ready to move to a toddler bed). Until recently he has be...


Toddler Safety

E.F. asks from Boston

i was wondering if any one had a soultion for a toddler climbing out of the pack-n-play. my daughter has climbed out of her crib and we now have a tent over the crib...


Getting Son to Sleep in Crib

R.J. asks from Janesville-Beloit

My husband and I have had our 5 1/2 month old son sleep with us since he was born. It works out really nice with him still nursing, but at daycare he is having a har...


Time Out for 16 Month Old

J.J. asks from San Francisco

Is "time out" not appropriate for a 16 month old with tantrums? Is he too young? I have read others that say putting a child in their crib for "time out" isn't good...


Toddler Bed Dilemma

L.M. asks from Phoenix

In a few short weeks we will be moving out of state. My daughter is 21 months old and still sleeping in her crib. We hadn't wanted to bother moving her crib because i...


Pleading for Help on Getting a 12 Month Old to Sleep in Her Own Bed!!

M.W. asks from Peoria

I have a very content 12 month old daughter who will not sleep in her bed. During naps she wants to be held the entire time (sleeping about 45 min- 1 hr. in the a.m....


Sleep Problems in 10 Month Old

M.K. asks from Seattle

My son has been sleeping in bed with my husband and I for the last 6 months or so. Up till now, he slept pretty well -- waking up once or twice during the night to n...


2 Year Old Sleep on Vacation

A.B. asks from Houston

My 2 year old (just turned 2 today) and I arrived on vacation to visit family yesterday. I had been having him sleep in his pack n play at him to get him used to it ...


23 Month Old Jumping from Crib

B.S. asks from St. Louis

I was wondering if anyone has some advice about what to do with my son. He will not stay in his crib and is not ready for a toddler bed. (in my opinion) I can't let...