Sleep: Toddler, Pack n Play

Results 11-20 from 1,149 articles

Travel Crib or Solution for Toddler Too Big for Pack-n-Play?

K.H. asks from Des Moines

My 15 m/o is large for her age (95th %) and so has a heck of a time sleeping in her pack n play. We've travelled the past two weekends and no one has gotten much sle...


14 Month Old Still Sleeping in Mom and Dads Room in Pack-n-play?

M.D. asks from Las Cruces

My 14 month old went from sleeping in the cradle next to my bed to sleeping in her pack-n-play still in our room, away from our bed. I know I obviously have issues w...


15 Month Old Climbing Out of Crib!!

T.B. asks from Chicago

Ladies I need your advice! My 15 month old has recently discovered she can climb out of the pack 'n play! With that discovery, she learned how to climb out of her cri...


Where to Sleep While Traveling

L.P. asks from Raleigh

Hello All, I was wondering what other moms do. My toddler will be 21 months old when we travel. We are flying so cant bring a crib. Where will she sleep? She obv...


Where Will My 8 Month Old Sleep at Grandma's?

N.S. asks from San Francisco

We are traveling to Grandma's for Thanksgiving with my 8month old, 23lb crawling and cruising son. At home he sleeps in his crib. When he was smaller we would trave...


Help! 3.5 Month Old Will Not Sleep in Crib

L.M. asks from New York

My daughter will sleep through the night in the swing with one night feeding. I am worried about letting her sleep in the there for to long. I recently put her back...


12 Month Old Doesn't Sleep Well at Grandma's

S.H. asks from Huntsville

Usually about every other weekend my almost 12 month old daughter and I stay at my parents' house. We always have trouble getting her to go to sleep (she just fusses...


18 Month Old Getting to Big for Playpen

J.L. asks from Chicago

My 18 month old current sleeps in a pack n play when at the sitter for his nap. He's a bit on the tall side of the scale so it's getting to the point where the pack ...


Where Did Your Newborn Sleep?

A.P. asks from Janesville-Beloit

I'm feeling very torn. I definitely plan on having my baby (due Oct) in my room for at least a few months, and definitely not in my bed (nothing against cosleeping, ...


How to Transfer 19 Month Old to Toddler Bed

R.A. asks from Des Moines

My husband and I are pregnant with our second baby, due in a few months, and are needing to transfer our 19 month old son out of the baby's crib. Does anyone have an...