Sitting Up: Infant

Results 81-90 from 32,758 articles

Is the Sit-n-Stand Really All That Important?

T.C. asks from Des Moines

I am needing some advice from mom's a few years ahead of me. I am about to purchase a double stroller. I will have two children 18 months apart in September. We lo...


14 Month Old Won't Sit still....EVER!!

P.B. asks from Fresno

M son is 14 months old. He refuses to sit in the cart at the store, or a highchair at home or at a restaurant. He has always hated his car seat but is getting a littl...


Camping with an Infant.

H.J. asks from San Francisco

DH and I have friends who love camping. They have invited us to go on some trips with them. We just cannot agree on what to do with our 4 month old daughter. My idea ...


Cruising with an Infant

L.O. asks from Billings

My husband and I are going on a cruise in October. The cruise is a 7 day Mexican get-away. Three of the days we will be docked in different cities in Mexico. My quest...


Seeking Info on Sit N Stand Strollers

W.W. asks from Denver

Hi, I have a 3 yr old son who's turning 4 soon. I'm expecting a baby in November and I've been thinking about purchasing a Sit N Stand type stroller. Has anyone use...


7 Month Old Doesn't Sit Yet!

N.I. asks from Daytona Beach

Hi, I've come to u ladies once again!!! ha! I have an adorable 7 month 2 week old boy who can sit for a minute if you placed him or support him. You can see he can h...


Infant Constipation

S.M. asks from Greensboro

I have a 15 week old precious daughter who seems to me to be constipated. I nurse her only once in the morning and pump breastmilk and feed her a bottle during the d...


Infant Gas

L.P. asks from Appleton

Does anybody have any suggestions to help with infant gas? I give my seven week old mylicon and try to watch what I eat (he's exclusively breastfed), but even if I ea...


Double Stroller or Sit-and-Stand?

J.H. asks from Minneapolis

My daughter will be 2 years, 3 months old when baby #2 is born. I'm not sure if I should get a double stroller or a sit-and-stand type stroller. I am leaning toward...


9 1/2 Month Old Not Getting in Sitting Position on His Own!

J.V. asks from Reading

My son seems to be alitle 'behind' in some things. He only just started sitting unassisted at 8 1/2 months. He also is not interested in eating any table food! My ma...