Sitting Up: Carters

Results 41-50 from 57 articles

Best Advice for a Growing Family?

A.A. asks from Tulsa

So we are 3 weeks away from welcoming son #2 into our family, and I am starting to get a bit overwhelmed! Big brother will turn 3 a few days before my due date, and ...


Starting over with Cloth Diapers

L.H. asks from Detroit

Hi moms! I am due with my second child in January and really want to use cloth diapers. I did with my first for about two months--not much. But this time, I'll be hom...



H.R. asks from Columbus

hi ladies~ i have another question. i have a little boy, he just turned 2 in sept. he drinks more water than anyone i know, haha. very very diluted juice. at night ...


Baby Gear Questions

H.R. asks from Boca Raton

Hi beautiful mommies and soon to be mommies! We still have some "big" baby gear to purchase after our showers, namely car seat and stroller. We both have relatively...


Third Trimester Anxiety

A.C. asks from Dallas

My original due date is 12/5 but due to the size of my baby I am measuring 38 weeks today. I am 5'1" and have a small body frame and over a week ago, a sonogram show...


Grand Children

K.B. asks from Rockford

I have a grand child & her mom tells me they cant put a snowsuit on her before they put her in a car seat that its against the law that she cant have that on while in...


22 Month Old Attached to Mommy and New Baby on the Way...

C.M. asks from San Francisco

Hello all, I have a question that I am hoping to get some good responses on. I have a daughter who will be 2 in June and am expecting another in October. My ques...


What's a Item You Used for Your Baby That You Couldn't Live Without??

J.J. asks from Chicago

HI MAMMA'S! I'm a soon-to-be 1st time gramma and wanted to make sure my daughter had some great things to help her transition into parenthood with the new baby. Is ...


Question About Crib Sheets

L.C. asks from Cleveland

Hello, my question do you make it easier to make it through the night after your baby gets their crib sheet wet? Any suggestions? I can imagine that changi...


10 Week Old Won't Sleep More than 3 Hours at Night

W.T. asks from New York

The title says it all. Between pregnancy and this baby, it's been since January that I've not slept for any stretch of time! Here's a general schedule: -- 7PM fall...