Sinusitis or Congestion: Infant, Pulmicort

Results 31-40 from 81 articles

Is It Asthma or Something Else?

T.M. asks from Detroit

Another question for you very helpful ladies. This is kind of long sorry. Well my 3.5 yr old daughter has had a cough for 3 weeks now. Here is some background info...


Breathing Treatments

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

Has anyone had to do breathing treatments on their child (mine who is about to turn 1)due to a cold that turned into a cough ? My son had a cold which very quickly tu...


Ear Tubes Issue...

A.H. asks from Dallas

My son has developed ear problems in the last few weeks. The pediatrician thought one of his tubes came out, but the ear specialties said they are still in place but ...


Seeking Lung Health Alternatives

S.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all. Our daughter had whooping cough when she was about 8 months. We had throat cultures taken, and she was negative for actual pertussis. Still, her cough was def...


Safe Cough Relief

A.D. asks from Washington DC

My 14 month old has a terrible cough, no fever, no runny nose, just a cough. It wouldn't concern me but she seems to cough so hard that she vomits and can't keep any...


Has Anyone Ever Used a Chiropractor for Their Babies Sinus Issues?

D.C. asks from St. Louis

My 11 month old daughter has had a runny nose for almost two months now. She has red puffy eyes frequently. She recently was treated with antibiotics for a double ea...


16 Month Old Refusing Necessary Nebulizer Treatments

K.L. asks from Macon

My 16 month old daughter needs 4x daily nebulizer treatments. The doctor says the mask will not do, she must put the nozzle in her mouth and inhale or breathe in the...


Scared to Give Antibiotics

P.V. asks from Dallas

Dear Moms, I have a thing against giving children antibiotics for minor colds because of all the bad things I have heard. I just went to the pediatrician this week a...


11 Month Old and "asthma"...what Else Can We Do?

A.M. asks from Lakeland

Hey Everyone, My 11 month old son has been having some health issues for the past couple of months. He constantly has had a runny clear nose, coughing, and now a d...


20 Month Old Won't Stop Coughing

K.B. asks from Washington DC

My 20 month old son keeps waking up at about 4am and coughs on and off until he eventually wakes up at 7:30am. This started about 4 nights ago. He did have a cold a...