SIDS: Infant, Halo

Results 31-40 from 123 articles

Noise in Nursery

A.M. asks from Cincinnati

Hello, I have a 15 month old daughter. We have central air in our home but in our old house, the upstairs remains burning up. As my girl was born in July, she has ...


Did It Scare You When Your Infant Turned over on His/her Belly in the Crib?

R.Z. asks from Philadelphia

My daughter (almost 5 mos) just started turning over (from back to belly) a few days ago. She now loves to do this in her crib during naps/bedtime. It scares me to fi...



A.K. asks from Minneapolis

I have a three week old infant that sleeps swaddled. She won't fall asleep unless she has her legs swaddled tight. I am concerned about the risk of SIDS with the li...


Need Advice on What to Get as a Baby Shower Gift

M.A. asks from Los Angeles

I was wondering what the "must have" gifts are for a first time mom. My friend shower is coming up, and she has already received all the big gifts like stroller, crib...


What to Dress 1 Year Old in at Bedtime

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

I've been dressing my 1 year old in long sleeved pj's but now that it's getting a little warmer, he sometimes gets sweaty. So I tried putting him in a t-shirt and sh...


Swaddle Vs. No Swaddle

L.L. asks from Dallas

I have a 3 1/2 month old that we are still swaddling during naps and nighttime. She sleeps great if she stays in the swaddle but if she breaks free, which happens a ...


Help with Blanket Issues

S.E. asks from Spokane

ok my problem is both my boyfriend and myself are afraid to put a blanket on our daughter. she is 11 months old can pull a blanket off of her head in play. it's just ...


Stomach Sleeper

J.R. asks from Los Angeles

Were any of your babies natural stomach sleepers? My almost 7 month old daughter always rollls over on to her stomach to sleep. Her head is to the side, but it makes...


Using Blankets

M.S. asks from Springfield

It can get rather cold in our baby's room at night and I was wondering if anyone has used some sort of blanket to keep their little one warm at night. With all the co...


Advice on How to Get My 2 Month Old to Sleep on Her Back.

G.H. asks from Portland

Since my daughter was born, she has disliked sleeping on her back. She constantly woke up screaming. At 3 weeks I finally decided to try her tummy - out like a light....