Second Grade: Toddler, Neocate

Results 1-10 from 13 articles

Diarrhea in 6 Month Old

M.P. asks from Albuquerque

My concern is that my 6 month old has had diarrhea since Thursday. At first it was just watery and now it has turned green and mucusy. She had her shots on Friday and...


Help W/ Eczema on 6 Month

N.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 6 month old has had a rash in the creases of her arms and behind her knees for nearly 5 months now. The doctor said it's eczema and to just put lotion on it, but i...


Trouble Producing Milk

L.D. asks from Dallas

I had my daughter 5 weeks early by c-section over two weeks ago and my milk still hasn't come in. My daughter is still in the NICU and I have been trying to pump as m...


My Two Year Old Poops All Day, Every Day!

T.S. asks from Phoenix

I have a two year old daughter that poops all day long, every day!. The poop is soft, but not diarrhea. It is almost always grainy. We call it glitter poop. The d...


Does ALIMENTUM (Ready to Feed) Help ECZEMA?

K.A. asks from Seattle

My daughter has eczema, I breast feed and I know that the eczema is related to food allergies. I have been on a restricted diet able to eat only rice and meat with w...


Goats Milk???

K.G. asks from Denver

Hello everyone! I have exclusively fed my 4 month old son breastmilk since he was born. Today I am in a bind and need to have another option as I am totally out of s...


Food Suggestions for Possible Milk Allergy

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son just turned 11 months old. I March I transitioned him from breastmilk to a milk based formula. At this time is started to develop a rash but I did not link i...


Baby with Dairy Intolerance/allergy

D.N. asks from Chicago

Hello, My name is D. and I am new to this group but I like the idea of talking to other Moms and sharing knowledge/advice with them. I think I've learned more fro...


Mom Wondering About Soy Formula

R.H. asks from Grand Forks

I have a 7 week old boy, on milk based formula he spit most of his bottle up after. So we swithed him to soy and he does not spit up half as much and is not so fussy ...


Pumping Exclusively?

C.T. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 day old infant. I have been exclusively breastfeeding, but then we found out that she wasn't taking in enough milk. It has been very painful, and I have ...