Seafood: Toddler

Results 41-50 from 914 articles

15 Month Old Picky Eater

M.C. asks from San Francisco

My 15 month old is a really picky eater. She will eat meat, cheese or rice. No fruits or veggies. She refuses to try things I know she would like if she gave it a cha...


My 3 Yr Old Son Just Outgrew Milk Allergy.

A.H. asks from Denver

My 3 year old son has finally outgrown his allergy to milk protein (YAY) but he won't try new foods or even basic foods that he used to not be able to eat. In my lit...


My (Almost) 22 Month Old Son Wont Drink Milk Anymore,any Sugestions?

T.S. asks from New York

Hi, My son till about a few days ago was a good eater, well only the breakfast part. He would drink anywhere from 7-9 oz of milk on waking up and later eat oatmeal/y...


SOLIDS 4-6 Months!? 12 Month?!

F.D. asks from Tampa

So I am a new mother and so very frustrated.. I read a lot.. I always having a new baby I read everything I can and to be honest is it exhausting.. I am star...


17 Month Old with Major Constipation. HELP!!

J.E. asks from Hickory

My son has always seemed to have a problem with constipation ever since I switched from the breast to the bottle. During the time he was on formula my doctor and I tr...


Red Dye in Food Allergy

C.W. asks from Lafayette

Has anyone had a child that is allergic to the red dye they use in foods? My son keeps getting hives and we think that it is from the red dye. Is there anything speac...


Eczema and Milk Allergy

J.O. asks from New York

I have recently discovered that my dd is allergic to milk. I found out because once I eliminated milk from my diet her eczema improved. However I'm concerned about...


Infant Formula for Corn Allergy?

A.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi. I have a 3 month old and we recently found out he is allergic to corn. He is breast fed so I'm going through the process now of eliminating all corn products from...


An Allergy Question SWH Added

E.B. asks from Honolulu

So we just found out that our dd (like she needs another problem) is allergic to bacitracin and thimerosal. This was determined through patch testing by a dermatolo...


14 Month Wont Drink Milk of Any Kind

L.Z. asks from Eugene

I am wanting to wean my 14 month old and cannot get her to drink any sort of milk. I have tried everything; I have tried toddler formula, soy, rice, organic, 2%, skim...