Refuses Sleep: Infant, Pack n Play

Results 51-60 from 94 articles

Sleeping on Belly

M.M. asks from Boston

My daughter is just over 2 weeks old. When coming home from the hospital I had every intention of having her sleep in a basinet next to my bed and not letting her sl...


Weaning My 18 Month Old

J.P. asks from Los Angeles

My third daughter is 18 months old and refuses to wean. She is eating solids and drinking from cups, so I know it's mostly for comfort and attention. During the day i...


Please..................need Help with a 4 Year Old and 8 Month Old

S.P. asks from Roanoke

Hello, Please someone help me with some advice on discipline! My 4 year old has gotten to the point to where he doesn't want to listen to anything we tell him to d...


Seeking Advice/feedback on Arm's Reach Cosleeper

C.M. asks from Chicago

Does anyone currently use or has used the Arm's Reach cosleeper? Is it useful/good? Do you prefer the mini or the regular? Although we started off with my baby...



M.L. asks from New York

I have a 7month old that will not sleep in his own crib. He takes 2-3 naps during the day and when it comes to night, he will only sleep in the bed with us. I have ...


Seeking Help with 4 Week Old Fighting Transition into Crib...

S.R. asks from Monroe

Hi All, I need any tips you can give me on how to get a 4 week old to sleep in her crib. She only last for 15 min. to 1 hour. I have put a pillow in the crib so ...


How to Avoid Airtravel Nightmares for Mommy and Baby

K.M. asks from Cleveland

I am planning an airplane trip to germany in march with my son who will then be 12 months old. I decided to get him his own seat but I am undecided if I should carry ...


My 18 Month Old Hates His Crib

N.B. asks from Atlanta

My 18 month old does not like his crib. When I lowered the mattress down all the way - he refuses to sleep in it. If I try to put him in there awake he goes balisti...


11 Month Old Suddenly Hates Crib

R.B. asks from Corpus Christi

I do not co-sleep. Mainly because I am a light-sleeper that can't sleep with another person I have to hold and I like to sleep on my stomach. My son has never slept ...


No Cribs at the Hotel, Daughter Still Sleeps in!!!

C.S. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies, o we are going on vacation, and my 3 1/2 year old still sleeps in her crib. I do not want to move her to a big girls bed yet. No need to, she sleeps very ...