Recalls: Infant, Enfamil

Results 21-30 from 131 articles

Formula Vs. Breastfeeding

M.W. asks from Dallas

I am due in about 4 weeks and I still have not decided if I am going to nurse or use formula. I have experienced the nursing side of things with my daughter years ag...


Seeking Healthy Formula

V.E. asks from San Francisco

I have introduced formula to my 6 month old daughter's diet, which is primarily breast milk and rice cereal. I am looking for the best formula out there, preferably f...


Can You Mix Formula and Breastmilk

R.W. asks from Los Angeles

I am trying to get my daughter to take a bit of formula but she hates it. Can I slowly introduce it by mixing it with a bit of breastmilk?


Impurities in Parent's Choice Formula

E.B. asks from Sheboygan

We've have been using the Walmart brand "Parent's Choice" organic infant formula (powder form) for a couple months now. A few times now we've noticed some black or da...


Best Formula for Supplementing

S.F. asks from Roanoke

I will be returning to work soon & was wondering what formula is easiest on little breastfed tummies? My daughter is already pretty "gassy". I am planning on pumpim...


Seeking Advice on Formula

J.D. asks from San Francisco

I have my 3 month old daughter on Nestle GoodStart Soy Formula. I started with the regular stuff, but her constapation was really bad. I got the okay to switch to the...


Generic Formula???

Z.M. asks from Dallas

My baby girl is almost 4 mos and is on Enfamil GentleEase...I am wondering if anyone out there has used the generic formulas and if your child had any issues with it....


How Long Should I Use Formula?

D.A. asks from Miami

Since my daughter's birth, I have breast-fed her, supplementing with a bottle about twice a week. I am in the process of weaning her from the breast. She's 5 months n...


Generic vs Name Brand Formula

L.C. asks from Colorado Springs

What is your opinion on generic vc name brand formula? Unfortunately starting 2 months ago I could no longer breast feed (medical reasons) my now 4 month old. I have ...


Similac Formula... to Switch or Not???? Need Advice Please!

K.H. asks from Dallas

Hello Mamas, I have a 4 1/2 month old that has been on Similac Advance brand since she was about 2 weeks old. Not sure if you have heard about the big recall, but...