Public School: Older Child

Results 21-30 from 4,773 articles

Private to Public Elementary School - Mansfield ISD

S.D. asks from Dallas

We are considering going from a private 1st grade to public 2nd grade next year. My 6 yo son can be energetic and a bit socially behind, but is a great student acad...


Understanding the Public School System (Redwood City)

I.P. asks from San Francisco

I am a first time mother and did not grow up in the public school system. I have tried to research the system to better understand it and have been unable to find in...


Public School to Montessori in 4Th Grade?

C.T. asks from Santa Fe

I love this site for hearing everyone's opinions and thoughts on things. We have a 9 year old son who has a rollercoaster of a personality. He's a great, smart kid wi...


Summer for a 12 and 10 Year Old - Leave Them Home Alone?

J.C. asks from New York

So my friend has 2 kids - a 12 year old girl and a 10 year old boy. As a family, they take two weeks off during the summer. For the other 6 plus weeks, she plan...


Thinking of Moving My Freshman from Public School to Home School

K.H. asks from Dallas

What is the best way to do this with only 9 weeks remaining in the year? Should I just keep him on track with what he was studying in public school or start him on a ...


Any Experience W/ Gifted Children in Public School ?

M.T. asks from Detroit

my oldest 2 children are in 1st and 2nd grade in the royal oak public school system. my 1st grader has always been the sweetest sort of odd and marched to the beat of...


Whether to Medicate My 7 Year Old Son

L.N. asks from Nashville

I have a two sons a 7 year old and a 3 year old. My 7 year old has been diagnosed with ADHD (off the chart). I am being told he can only be treated by medication. ...


Show Too Old for a 6 Year Old?

M.S. asks from Omaha

Hello, my daughter is 6 years old. The shows that she normally watches are changing. She has moved from Dora type shows to more non cartoon type shows. She still watc...


Good Public School in the Allen Park Area

A.U. asks from Detroit

Hi there. I desperatly need some help Mom's! :) I have a 4 year old daughter and I am driving myself nuts trying to figure out where to send her to school. I will...


Seeking Opinions: Private or Public School (Specifically LR Green)

C.Z. asks from San Diego

I'm interested in your thoughts on whether private or public school is "better". My 7 yo son currently goes to LR Green in Escondido, which is known to be a very goo...