Not walking: Preschooler

Results 21-30 from 21,960 articles

4 Year Old Daughter Just Does Not Listen

M.G. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 4 year old daughter and she just doesn't listen or learn, recently she has started to pick the paint in her bedroom i told her not to do it again and took aw...


How to Explain Death to a 4 Year Old???

H.L. asks from Los Angeles

Here's the thing... my Father in law was diagnosed with Cancer about a month and a half ago, its been quick, and we dont think he's got much time left... my 4 year ol...


4 Year Old Boy and His Dressing Habits

S.R. asks from Phoenix

My 4 year old will not wear pants nor will he wear socks and shoes. He only wants to wear shorts and flip flops. He says he is not cold. I feel his feet and legs an...


Hiking with 3 Year Old - Doable? Tips?

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I are going on a double date with a childless couple and we're bringing our 3 year old son. The plan is to go hiking though some parts of the trail wi...


Flying with 4 Year Old

J.N. asks from Philadelphia

just wondering if anyone has any advice. I am flying with my 4 year old to Texas, and it is his first flight. He also has questionable ears, and has always had proble...


3-Year Old Bedroom Disaster Area

C.M. asks from Chico

My 3-year old DD's bedroom is a disaster area!! She has a shelf unit for books and in the bottom is two pink see through totes, two baskets and a toy box. It does n...


Birthday Party Ideas for 3 Year Old

P.R. asks from Kansas City

I am looking for some inexpensive ideas for a 3 year old birthday party. My son is turning 3 and wants to go to Chuck E Cheese -- that can be expensive. Our house i...


4 Year Old and Sexuality

A.M. asks from Detroit

I have a question for you ladies. I have been having problems with my 4 year old daughter "stretching" because she says it "makes her pee pee feel good", and touching...


3 Year Old Will Only Wear the Same Clothes over and over...big Fights!

L.V. asks from New London

I have a 3 year old daughter who has always preferred to be in her underwear only. Now that we are entering the colder weather, the struggles to get dressed in the m...


Activities to Do with a 4 Year Old Boy....

T. asks from Tampa

Hello..... I am struggling with finding things to keep my 4 year old boy interested in. Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of kids in the neighborhood so we are h...