Night Waking & Crying: Avent

Results 41-50 from 676 articles

Baby Wants to Use Me as a Pacifier at Night!

L.S. asks from Greenville

My 4 month old son still gets up a lot at night and seems to only sleep if he can use me as his pacifier. He wants nothing to do with a real pacifier and I can't let...


1 Month Old Having Trouble at Night

C.P. asks from Dallas

I'm a first time mom who is breastfeeding and I'm not sure if my baby is colicky or just gassy at night. Every afternoon he has trouble going back to sleep after fee...


Bottle Feeding

S.N. asks from Detroit

My 7 month old daughter will not take a bottle! I am forced to return to work for financial reason however weening my daughter from the breast isn't going over very ...


Getting My 3 1/2 Month Old to Take a Bottle and Sleep More at Night:)

G.S. asks from Scranton

Hi. I've been breastfeeding exclusively and now fear it is too far gone to get my son Austin to take a bottle. Any ideas? Also he like to eat a lot through the nig...


6 Month Old Stopped Bottle-feeding - Only Wants to Breastfeed

K.P. asks from Dallas

Hi, My daughter is 6 months old. She has been breastfed and was drinking one bottle of formula at night before bedtime. My husband would also feed her a bottle of ...


Need Advice Re: Feeding a 6 Month Old Who Refuses the Bottle

S.D. asks from Albany

Hi Everyone, I have been lucky to be able to take my daughter to work with me. I nurse her & we started introducing the bottle when she was 8wks old. She absolutel...


How Should I Bring My Breast Milk to the Sitters?

J.C. asks from Chicago

I currently pump into medela bottles but i use avent bottles to feed my little one. Can i put my breastmilk into the avent bottles before i bring them to my sitters h...


Breast Pump

K.T. asks from Spokane

I need some help on choosing a breast pump. I don't want to spend a lot of money because my first child I had a really hard time breast feeding and it didn't last ve...


Best Bottles

R.B. asks from Raleigh

Dear All, I am pregnant with my 3rd & there are so many more options on the market. I used Avent bottles last round but hear that the Dr. Brown's and the Tommy ...


Adiri Natural Nurser Baby Bottle

A.G. asks from Minneapolis

I am due with my second in April and would love to be able to get this baby to use a bottle so I could sleep through a night feeding! I couldn't get my daughter to t...