Napping: Toddler, Miracle Blanket

Results 31-40 from 340 articles

9 Month Old STILL Requires a Swaddle!

B.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I wrote several months when my baby was about 5 months, asking when/how to stop. We have tried everything suggested and she still absolutely requires a swaddl...


My Baby Has Colic

L.V. asks from Dallas

Hey guys, I have a 5 week old with colic. I am breastfeeding him, and have tried taking out dairy, spicy foods, raw veggies and caffine. Nothing has helped. I have tr...


Transitioning Baby Out of Swaddle

N.O. asks from Chicago

Hi moms, My 4 month old will only sleep in a swaddle - even if he is very tired and nursing, he'll just get fussy unless I put him in the swaddle and then he'll c...


Weaning Our 5 Month Old from a Swaddle - Please Help!!!

J.B. asks from St. Louis

My 5 month old is completely dependent on a swaddle to sleep. She currently uses the miracle blanket and needs it 100% of time. If she is not swaddled tight enough,...


Help! My 7 Month Old Won't Sleep at Night!

D.G. asks from Oklahoma City

Ladies, I'm in desperate need of your help. My son is 7 months old and up until about a month and a half ago, was going to bed at 9 and sleeping til 3 or 4, then eat...


Swaddling 2 Month Old Baby

K.A. asks from Los Angeles

Hi everyone! I've been swaddling my 2 month old for nighttime sleeping, and recently started doing it for naps as well. I am using the Summer Infant Swaddle Me, and...


Questions About Swaddling My 4 Month Old

L.N. asks from Dallas

Hello, My son is 4 months old today and I have been swaddling him to sleep at night, since birth. Like most babies, he fights it a little at first but then settles ...


3 Month Old That Won't Sit or Sleep by Himself....

J.Z. asks from San Diego

I have a 3 month old boy who won't sit or sleep by himself. I love being with him 24/7 but I am worried perhaps I may be doing something wrong. I am breastfeeding a...


4 Month Old Sleep Issues

K.S. asks from Dallas

I have a 4 month old son who was sleeping really well during the night. He was doing his last feeding around 10:00 and staying down until around 4:00. He would get ...


Fussy Time, and Getting 5 Month Old to Sleep in Crib

A.S. asks from Albany

I have a few questions... 1. I have an almost 5 month old and we are still dealing with the fussy time at night. Sometimes it can be 4-8, of fussyness, or an hour or...