Mei Tai: Infant

Results 51-60 from 414 articles

Recommendations on Baby Carriers?

N.S. asks from San Diego

I'm just about due to have my second (2 weeks!) and I'm looking for a baby carrier. With my first I had the Baby Bjorn and hated it. I'm very short-waisted and petite...


Baby Sling Recommendation

J.S. asks from Kansas City

Hello! I am due to have my second baby in a week and have been going back and forth about getting a sling. I didn't have one for my first, but I didn't ever find that...


Looking for a Great Baby Carrier

D.K. asks from Los Angeles

My son is six months old and I'm looking for a comfortable and hopefully affordable baby carrier. We have the Bjorn but both my husband and I find it very uncomfortab...


Baby Carrier/Slings Recommendations

S.P. asks from Reading

I' looking into purchasing either a baby carrier or a sling for a 4 month old. He's classified as a "high needs baby" (according to Dr. Sears) and needs to be held a...


Moby Wrap Baby Carrier

M.M. asks from Seattle

Has anyone out there tried the Moby Wrap or one of the other Moby products? I found some information on it, but want to get any feedback from someone who has used it...


Baby Carrier, Sling or Ergo?

H.F. asks from Boca Raton

I have a very active 2.5 year old son and am expecting baby #2 in mid-October. I'm thinking that I will need and make good use of a baby carrier, sling or Ergo carri...


Baby Carriers or Slings?

C.G. asks from Chicago

Any advice on baby carriers for newborns and beyond six months? Feedback on pros/cons on brands like the ERGO, Baby Bjorn, Beco and Infantino backpack carrier would b...


Looking for Info Regarding Baby Slings

M.L. asks from New York

I am a 5 weeks away from having my second child. I attempted to use a front infant carrier (Baby Bjorn) for my first child, but he did not really like it and I found ...


Baby Sling Carriers

S.A. asks from Chicago

I am looking for recommendations for a simple baby sling that I can use on my hip with my 7 month old. He is 21 lbs, and likes to be held a lot. My arms, back, and ...


Baby Sling Advice

M.S. asks from Stationed Overseas

I'm 8 1/2 months pregnant now and doing tons of research on just about everything that has to do with babies. I want to purchase a sling, but there are so many out th...