Maintaining the Relationship: Toddler

Results 31-40 from 23,926 articles

Advice on 22 Month Old

S.L. asks from Boston

Hi, Im looking for advise on my 22 month old- he is NOT verbal at all- he will say "mama", "dada", "yeah" and "tickle tickle" (or at least thats what it sounds like--...


"New Baby and a 22 Month Old Son"

L.Q. asks from Boston

I have a 17 month old son & I am due in October. He will be 22 months by then. I am just looking for any advice as to how to deal with the jealousy of a 2 year old wi...


Relationship Between Father and 17 Month Old

M. asks from Dallas

I have a 17 month old daughter, she has always been a "mommas girl" and goes through phases where she wants nothing to do with her dad. She is going through this phas...


Relationship with Ex's Daughter

K.B. asks from St. Louis

So my son's father has an adorable 5 year old daughter from a prior relationship. Him and I were together for some time and I ended up developing a great relationshi...


Relationship with Mother as an Adult:

E.D. asks from Seattle

Hey ya'll, I'll try to write more later, and give this some context. For now, some questions: What do you think a mother's role should look like once her childr...


My Husband and Daughter Have No Relationship

J.D. asks from Atlanta

I am sure I am not the only mom out there to experience this, but it sure seems like it. My daughter doesn't have much of anything to do with her father. We weren't m...


Is a Dysfunction Relationship with a Bio Parent Better than No Relationship?

E.D. asks from Seattle

Good morning mamas, This morning I wake with my head in a container, and I fear I'm not able to see through my feelings. So help me out. Give me your ideas and e...


Father Daughter Relationship

B.A. asks from San Francisco

I posted this a few weeks ago and didn't get any responses. I could really use some help on this issue.. please! When I was about 5 months pregnent my boyfriend, ...


Great Relationship with EX

J.L. asks from San Diego

I've been divorced for about 2.5 years. I have a really great relationship with my ex. We just had a conversation today that was pretty poignant and I thought about...


How to Restore a Relationship with My Daughter

N.W. asks from Eugene

My oldest daughter is in her 20’s. We didn’t get along when she lived with me. About a year and a half ago, she moved out and we’ve had very little contact si...