Liquids: Toddler, Safety 1st

Results 1-10 from 79 articles

5 Month Old Getting Too Big for Her Bath Tub Laying Down. Other Alternatives?

J.L. asks from Roanoke

Hi everyone, I have a 5 month old daughter who we bathe in the tub using her little plasitc Safety 1st bath tub. We lay her down using the little cot that came with...


Bathing a 9 Month Old

M.D. asks from Chicago

Has anyone found a good way/bathtub to use for a 9 month old? She has pretty much outgrown her infant tub/seat since our kitchen sink faucet isn't high enough. I wa...


2 Year Old Opening Baby-gates and Doors

B.L. asks from Tulsa

My activity 2 year old has just learned to open the walk-thru baby gates and door knobs. My problem is how to keep him safely OUT of rooms I don't want him in. Yester...


How to Bathe a 1 Year-old

B.D. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Mammas. My son just turned 13 months and he's already outgrown his infant tub. He's still too small to put into our tub to bathe so I was wondering what we could...


Bathtime for 7 Month Old Boy

L.O. asks from Detroit

My son is very active He learned to pull himself up to stand last week. Giving him a bath is difficult becuase he is constantly moving around and flailing and trying ...


Nasal Care

C.A. asks from Los Angeles

My baby recently have had a middle infection. Do you know the best way to prevent this? I heard from my friend and she told me that using aspirator to suck mucus out....


Toy Suggestions for 5 Month Old

S.H. asks from Dallas

Hi ya'll, I have a 5 month old boy who has really enjoyed the Rainforest Jumperoo activity center. I am wondering what to get him next, as I'm sure he will eventuall...


How to bathe infant safely in bath tub?

J.M. asks from Dover

Hi. My daughter just turned 6 months old and is growing out of her infant tub. I was going to purchase the tub seat made by Safety 1st however, a friend of mine tol...


From Infant Tub to Bath Seat?

L.V. asks from Dallas

I have a 6month old who is growing out of his infant tub. He wants to sit up in it, and it's not made that way. I was looking at the few bath seats that are on the ma...


Seeking Advice for Bath Time for 10 Month Old.

S.N. asks from Minneapolis

Up until about a month ago, we have been using a newborn/infant bath tub and setting it on the bathroom counter to bathe my daughter. She used to love bath time and w...