Language: Toddler, Puppets

Results 41-50 from 179 articles

5-Year-old Introvert Daughter, Doesn't Talk Feelings!

N.G. asks from Dallas

My beautiful 5-year-old daughter hates talking about her feelings. She has a searing temper, but other than that, she doesn't show her emotions much, or talk about t...


Should My 5 1/2 Year Old Grand-daughter Repeat SK Because of Her Speech Help!!

L.M. asks from Tampa

My daughter called yesterday, and advised me that between my grand daughter's teacher and speech pathologist, they have decided that she should repeat SK. She is very...


Fine Motor Delay/Low Muscle Tone in Toddler

B.S. asks from New York

My 29 month old was evaluated by E.I. for a concern of mine related to a sensory issue. She gives me a really hard time in classes:music, gym, etc. she always has t...


Theatre Manners (Live and Movies)

E.M. asks from Phoenix

Last night I brought my six year old to see the stage production of the Lion King. It was absolutely amazing and I am so glad we went! It is the first show of that ...


Manners for 4 Year Old

C.P. asks from Detroit

I have a 4 year old grand-daughter. She is a sweet child but when we have people over or if we see a friend of mine shopping she will not look at them or speak to th...


Toddler (2.5 Years Old) Having Night Terrors...

F.M. asks from San Diego

I'm writing on behalf of my sister, who lives in Alaska and is still on dial-up internet (no broadband access way out there) and asked me to post for her. She is hav...


My 4 Year Old Daughter Is SCARED of EVERYTHING ALWAYS!

T.L. asks from Denver

She won't go to sleep at night because she is scared of the dark and the shadows. She won't go outside, because she is scared of flies and bugs and anything that move...


Question for Stay at Home Moms

J.K. asks from Allentown

Just curious how often you sit down and play with your toddler in a typical day? What kind of activities do you do? Is your toddler a good independent player?


Activities for a LOOOOONG Car Ride.....

H.L. asks from Reading

hey ladies... This summer my husband and I are driving to WI to visit family. We have an almost 2 year old and a 7 month old. Does anyone have any ideas for keep...


How Do You Handle Tantrums in Young Toddlers?

K.U. asks from Dallas

I have 21 month old boy/girl twins (also a 7 year old boy) who a few months ago started really testing us. What do you do when your young toddler has a tantrum? I hon...