Language: Toddler, Puppets

Results 11-20 from 179 articles

Need Advise Regarding Flying with My 11 Month Old Daughter??

J.C. asks from Los Angeles

Hello Mommies - I am hoping some of you can help you out. We are taking my daughter to visit my grandparents at the end of this month and I am a bit nervous about the...


My Son Seems to Independent for a 1 Year Old.

M.C. asks from Roanoke

My son will be one on the 14th and Im finding his independence a little scary. He isnt in daycare, Im a stay at home mom for the time being and if I had to do someth...


Tips on Traveling by Air 11 Hours with 16 Month Old

L.F. asks from Austin

Hello, I am traveling next week to South America with my 16 month old son. Luckily the flight is overnight so he will most likely sleep...but you never know! I was w...


How Do I Keep My 16 Month Old Entertained and Meet Her Curiosity Needs?

R.N. asks from San Francisco

My 16 month old is extremely curious and active. We run out of ideas on how to keep her engaged and busy during the days she doesnt go to day care. Any ideas on activ...


18 Month Old Biting and Pinching

M.T. asks from Dallas

Any suggestions in disciplining an 18 month old who is biting and pinching when upset???


How Long Should It Take a 17 Month Old to Adjust to New "Daycare"

H.1. asks from Des Moines

Hi Ladies - I am now watching another little guy a few days per week in my home. He is 17 months old. So it is just me, him and my son who is roughly the same age. Th...


Non-animated TV shows/DVDs for a 2 Year Old Boy

M.N. asks from Los Angeles

I'm in search of some TV shows or DVDs for my two year old son that are NOT animated. He really doesn't like cartoons at all. He is very into Baby Einstein and Curi...


Lesson Plans for 2 Year Old

K.L. asks from Savannah

I am a stay at home mom and my son just turned 2. He is very bright and has started letter recognition and counting, and is hit or miss with his colors. We do lots ...


School Readiness

T.K. asks from Dallas

I have a 5 yr old boy and 4 yr old girl. I want them to be as ready for school as possible. Mostly they play and that's ok with me. Social skills are just as import...


2 Year Old Won't Stop Saying NO!

M.G. asks from Appleton

My 2.5 year old son will NOT stop telling us No all of the time. I have put him in time out for saying No, and he gets on his bed, and says No again and gets off. I...