Hypoallergenic: Older Child

Results 41-50 from 869 articles

Cereal in Formula

M.M. asks from Boston

My son is now a little over 3 months. He spits up a ton and it is often very chunky. The Dr says he has acid reflux. We have tried zantac and prevacid. We also ha...


Possible Food Allergy?

D.S. asks from Los Angeles

I have a 13 month old son that is a great eater, but occasionally throws up. It's always during a meal or after a meal, and sporadic. For example, last night I sat ...


9 Month Old Refusing to Drink Formula

R.O. asks from Tucson

Okay. This is my third different but related post in a week. I am at my wits end with my daughter! Up until about 6 weeks ago she was happily drinking 4 bottles each ...


Trying to Find a Good Baby Formula for a Sensitive Baby

C.A. asks from Los Angeles

What is a Good Baby Formula for my friend's baby who was born with a Disability and has trouble keeping Formula down? My friend's Mom's Milk drying up due to severe s...


Formula Options .... Different Brands, Etc.

S.P. asks from Detroit

I am due with my son at the end of the month. I'm very confused about the different formulas to choose from. I can not breast feed, so that's not an option. I'm not s...


Baby with a Milk Allergy

J.P. asks from Kansas City

I have an 8 month old with a milk allergy. He cannot have anything that contains milk or he gets really sick, vomits, rash, diarrhea and swelling. I am out of ideas...


Milk Allergy in Toddler

S.B. asks from Boston

Hi! My 21 month old son was diagnosed with milk protein allergy when he was an infant. Eliminating dairy from his diet (and mine - I breastfed until he was 16 months ...


Food Suggestions for Possible Milk Allergy

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

My son just turned 11 months old. I March I transitioned him from breastmilk to a milk based formula. At this time is started to develop a rash but I did not link i...


Questions About Using Soy Formula for My 3 Month Old Baby

V.G. asks from San Francisco

I have a 3 month old baby girl. We originally started using breast milk but not enough was being generated. We started feeding her carnation good start at 1 month o...


One Year Old with Milk Allergy

J.S. asks from Washington DC

It has been determined that my one year old daughter has a milk allergy. Taking her off milk and putting her back on formula for a few days had cleared up her rash a...