How to Start: Diaper Covers

Results 21-30 from 146 articles

Potty Training....3 Year Old with a Severe Language Delay...

A.G. asks from Provo

I have a 3 year old (as of february) who has a severe language delay - that being said, he does frequently impress me with how smart he is. However...when it comes t...


3Yo Daughter with Asperger's That Refuses to Potty Train.....

C.G. asks from Eugene

I don't know what to do with her. She is 3 1/2 and so smart, but I think the Asperger's may be why she refuses to potty train, it's like she's not even interested in ...


Daughter Pulling off Diaper

S.M. asks from Austin

My 9 month old daughter has learned how to pull apart the velcro on her cloth diaper covers. I came in this morning to find her (and her bed) completely soaked becau...


Very Interested in Cloth Diapering My Newborn - Any Advice on How/where to Start

J.F. asks from Los Angeles

I am due in August 2008 and like the ideals behind using cloth diapers. However, I have many questions about where to start. I would love to hear from anyone who cu...


Cloth Training Pants or Straight to Underwear?

A.E. asks from Minneapolis

I have found pul ups to be completely worthless. I've been thinking about trying some cloth training pants. I'm hoping they can feel the wetness but it won't result...


Is It Too Soon to Potty Train My 19 Month Baby

O.S. asks from Charlotte

My son is 19 months and he takes his diapers off when they are wet and even sometime in the middle of the night. He can already undress himself and partcially dress h...


Cloth Diapers

S. asks from Houston

I am thinking about switching to cloth diapers but there are so many different brands and types that I don't even know where to begin. I have 4 kids so I need someth...


Help from Cloth Diaper Users Please!

R.H. asks from Oklahoma City

I could use some expierenced mom advice on using cloth diapers. I used disposables with my son because I couldn't afford the price of cloth when I had him but now I ...


Potty Trained 3 Year Old Still Wearing Pullups at Night

M.C. asks from Chicago

My 3 year old has been potty trained during the day for the past 4 1/2 months. At night and during nap time, she still wears a pull up. When she wakes up from a nap...


Little Girl Panties

M.B. asks from Tampa

Does anyone know where I can find panties small enough for an 18 month old? My daughter is in the potty training process, and no I'm not pushing her she started on he...