How to Start: Diaper Covers

Results 41-50 from 146 articles

Cloth Pull-ups for Heavy Wetters...

R.C. asks from Seattle

First off thanks to all your help in finding the right potty chair. I plan on purchasing the little baby biorn ptty chair this week. Now I need help in finding a good...


Help! Thinking About Switching to Cloth Diapering and I Am Completely Lost!

B.E. asks from Jacksonville

I am contemplating switching to cloth diapering, but I am completely overwhelmed. Could someone share with me the different types of cloth diapers? Which kinds do you...


Biodegradable gDiaper Input

A.M. asks from Portland

Are any of you Mama’s Biodegrable gDiaper users? I am hoping for some feedback about this product. I’m only curious about the Biodegradable as I am currently us...


Does Your Baby Take off His Diaper at Night??

M.G. asks from Las Vegas

My son has taken off his diaper at night twice this week. Both times it was REALLY dirty. He isn't ready for potty training. Has any of you gone thru this with you...


I Need Advice on My Soon to Be 4 Year Old Daughter and Her Behavior

E.V. asks from Seattle

Normally, I enjoy staying at home with my soon to be 4 year old little girl, but lately, her behavior has caused great concern. I don't know if her behavior is norma...


Reusable Diapers???

J.F. asks from Denver

Ok so I want to start to use reusable diapers, but I am SO confused!!! There are so many out there AND I am kinda lost as to how to use them! They have inserts and c...


Cloth and Other Environmentally Friendly Diapers?

A.R. asks from Chattanooga

Hello all! I have a one year old still in diapers, my three year old is potty trained, but I am expecting another sometime next Summer. SO... I have always used dispo...


Keeping on a Diaper

T.C. asks from Minneapolis

My son is 21 months old and has recently started a stage where he thinks it is fun to try and take off his diaper during nap time and bed time! This is very frustrati...


Using Cloth Diapers

J.N. asks from Norfolk

Hi everyone. I am a SAHM with 3 & 1 on the way. My husband & I have come into hard times, financially, and so we are cutting back on our expenses. One thing that w...


Preparing for Child #2

E.S. asks from Seattle

I'm sure these questions have been asked a zillion times, but here I go... I have a 2 1/2 yr old boy that we have been trying to potty train since age 1. He is stil...