Hair Coloring: Infant, Teddy Bears

10 articles

Boys Doing "Girl" Things

K.M. asks from Laredo

I just finished watching What Would You Do and it got me thinking.... If your son wanted to wear "princess" dresses or get a barbie would it bother you? would you ...


Just Wanted to See What You Guys Think.........<venting>

K.N. asks from Wichita Falls

Hi, I was reading on baby center just a minute ago about celebs and how they go on talk shows and say how wonderful it is being a mom and how they make their own bab...


One Year Pictures

S.W. asks from Minneapolis

I am wondering if anyone had any really cute ideas for my son's one year pictures. We are having them taking professionally and want to go into the shoot with some i...


Need Ideas, Hitting a Wall Here!

T.S. asks from San Francisco

I seem to be having the diaper cake version of writer's block! I've decided to add several more cakes to my etsy shop, but I REALLY want to come up with some unique ...


Need Ideas for Store

B.T. asks from Jackson

Hey guys I'm opening up a consignment & resale shop and was wanting to know if any one had any cute decorating ideas?? any ideas or comments would be grateful


Ideas for 3 Yr Old Party?

A.D. asks from Dallas

Okay, here's my issue: I'm having a lot of trouble coming up with what to do for my daughter's 3 yr birthday party. It's on August 1st, so it's likely going to be ver...


I Hate "Boy Stuff" - Bad Mom?

C.J. asks from Dallas

Ask anyone - I am the froofiest, girly-est, pinkest GIRL you could ever imagine. So for me to have a BOY shocked everyone! I've been pretty good about it, but it's...


American Girl Dolls

C.F. asks from Dallas

I have a 6 year old (soon to be 7) DD. She wants an American Girl Doll for her birthday next month. I went online and looked at them and they are $100 plus dollars fo...


Airline Travel with a 2 1/2 Year old...Yikes!

D.H. asks from Charleston

I asked this question at the beginning of September and got no responses...maybe I will have better luck the second time! Does anyone that has traveled recently by ...


Military Deployment

L.U. asks from Glens Falls

Any advice for a 3 1/2 year old's first deployment experience? All she knows is Daddy's going on a very long trip, like other trips he's taken recently, but longer.