Groups & Teams: V Tech

27 articles

Video Games for a 5 1/2 Yr Old

K.J. asks from San Francisco

With out my consent my husband thought it would be a great idea to get a video game system for my son to play. He got a Playstaion 2 from some one from work. I did...


Gift Ideas for 3 Year Old Son!!

K.S. asks from Birmingham

I am having a hard time deciding what to get my son for his third birthday. If anyone has any ideas of good toys, whether it be educational,creative, etc, then I am ...


Does This Seem a Bit Much? (3 Yo with Their Own iPod Touch)

K.U. asks from Detroit

We have a teenage girl in our neighborhood that baby sits a lot of the little ones in the neighborhood, including our 3 yo daughter. She has an iPod Touch and was le...


How Do I Tell My 5 Year Old We Are Moving Out of State?

D.W. asks from Washington DC

My husband has recently accepted a job in another state. My 5 year old will finish the school year and then we will move. We have tried to get him excited about get...


2 Year Old Daughter Interested in Really Learning Her Letters, Help With

E.F. asks from Chattanooga

HI! I am a mom of a 6 year old who is reading great for being in first grade, but my 2 year old who looks up to her brother and wants to do what he is doing all the t...


Almost 6-Year-old Wants a Nintendo DS or a Wii

A.L. asks from Sacramento

My almost 6-year-old has been pleading for a Nintendo DS or the Wii, like all his cousins and some of his friends have. My mother-in-law really wants to get him one ...


Seeking How Other Moms' Handle Play of Video Games (DS), Computer, & TV Time

J.B. asks from San Diego

Our grandson just turned 7 and I am wondering what restrictions other mom's and grandmas put on children for use of these items. Our grandson seems to be unresponsiv...