Freshman: Child

Results 31-40 from 91 articles

Ideas for Birthday "Treat" for Daughter's Class That Is a Non-food Item

K.S. asks from Chicago

Hi - my daughter's birthday is in 1 month. She is in 3rd grade and in a new school this year. The school policy allows parents to send a birthday treat or "token" th...


Am I Being Too Hard on My Kid?

A.B. asks from San Diego

Dear Moms: I need your honest opinion about this: My 6th grader has always been an outstading student, and also a chatty guy in and outside the classroom. Therefore,...


Help! Info on Home Schooling

S.P. asks from Atlanta

My son will be in first grade next school year. He is currently in a Christian private school for kindergarten. This school only goes up to kindergarten and we can no...


What Is Your Opinion on Giving Cash for Excellent Grades?

J.B. asks from Dayton

What is your opinion on payment/rewarding kids for their grade card? I know my grandparents always rewarded us with with cash. My grandpa would say he got paid for ...


Crossbite and Braces for 8 Year Old?

A.R. asks from Houston

We just got back from my daughter's consultation with the orthodontist today. My daughter had an expander put in when she was 4.5. The orthodontist said that her to...


Defiant Behavior Among Authority!

S.L. asks from Philadelphia

My 14yr old son is not quite in high school (a few more months/hopefully)he's in 8th grade. He is going threw this stage(I guess)where he's constantly testing author...


My Son Is Having Reading Comprehensive Troubles.

S.L. asks from Cedar Rapids

My son has lots of problems in school due to reading. He can read at his age group reading, 5th grade, and his speed is fine, but his comprehensive is about 3rd grad...


What Is Considered an Appropriate Babysitting Age?

L.S. asks from Omaha

We have three daughters. The oldest is in 6th grade and is 11 (12 in August). Our second is 7 and youngest will be 2 in May. I know it depends upon the behaviors of t...


Homework Help - How Much Is Too Much?

L.C. asks from Denver

My SD is in 1st grade. (I don't want to sound braggy but this may might be important to my questoin: She's pretty bright and is at the top of her class level for lit...


13 Year Old Son Having Trouble with Rules

C.W. asks from Provo

This somewhat goes along with a recent request I read but I thought I would add my own dilemma. My 13 year old son is a straight A student and he is getting Ds and F...