Exotic Pets: Toddler

Results 81-90 from 367 articles

Sahm Seeking Suggestions for at Home Activities to Do with My Toddler

T.C. asks from Austin

I feel so stupid asking this but... my daughter and I are both bored with all her toys and the same old activities we do together at home. We spend a lot of time ou...


Just for Fun: First Pets

S.T. asks from Provo

I had a dog went my husband and I got married so that has kind of been our daughters first pet. She is almost two and does great with all animals. She helps feed, wal...


What to Tell My Son When Baby # 2 Arrives!?

D.V. asks from San Francisco

Hello all, I am 28 weeks pregnant with baby # 2. We have a 3 year old (he will be 3.5 when baby arrives), he is very use to his schedule, sleeping arrangements (wit...


Who Cares for Your Fish During a Vacation?

A.C. asks from Cincinnati

Our family has a vacation coming up, and we'll be gone for 5 days. We have two goldfish in a 5 gallon tank, and it must be cleaned every other day to keep the amonia ...


Do Gerbils Stink?

M.S. asks from Columbus

My 10 year old has fallen in love with a gerbil at the local pet store. He had 2 geckos several years ago, which he took very good care of. They were both "lost" . ...


I Need a New Couch! What Works Well with Kids?

B.H. asks from Minneapolis

Ok my couch and my daughter are both five years old. I already need a new couch. The cushions are starting to split at the seems and stuffing is coming out, it's been...


Yuck...I Found a Mouse in the House! Now What?

N.G. asks from Dallas

This may be a stupid question but I've never seen a mouse before in our house! I do NOT want to live with rodents of the non-pet kind! :) I've only seen one, but w...


First Pets

M.R. asks from Rochester

Hello, "First pets" are several years away for my boys, but I was curious about other people's experiences from childhood or their own children with first pets. W...


Step Daughter Stealing

T.K. asks from Detroit

My 12-year old step daughter stole all my jewelry, make-up and clothing over a 3-month time period. Stupid me, I didn't discover it right away because she "smuggled"...


My Dog Died and I Need Your Advice Soon, Please.

✪.P. asks from Chicago

Hello, My sweet furry baby, Jessie died this evening around 8:15. (It is now after 1 in the morning and I can't stop thinking about her.) She is currently in her b...