Dreft: Infant, Target

Results 41-50 from 361 articles


R.M. asks from San Antonio

I have been using Dreft for my baby's clothes, who is now almost 11 months. I was wondering if it would be fine to switch using Dreft to another one like purex , to ...


Looking for Unique Baby Shower Gift Ideas

E.S. asks from Mansfield

I am looking for a few unique baby shower gift ideas. The shower is in a couple of weeks. It's their first baby and they don't know the baby's sex. I just don't wa...


New Baby Must-Haves

J.H. asks from Columbus

I am pregnant with my first child and my husband and I were talking about when we should start buying baby stuff, and what we should get. So I'm curious: When did ...


Seeking Advice on Slings or Baby Wearing

B.B. asks from Detroit

I am trying to find a good way to get through my day with a happy baby and free arms. I wanted to try a sling for older babies or toddlers but don't know where to st...


Expecting Our First Baby, Need ALL Sorts of Help!

K.L. asks from San Diego

My husband and I are expecting our first baby at the end of January. I just feel at lost for what to expect about anything and everything. We are so exciting about ...


Stain Removal on Baby Clothes

S.I. asks from Johnson City

Hi ladies! I know there have been posts similar to this before. I was able to find one. Most suggested peroxide. Tried it...no luck! Most of the stains on my babies c...


Baby Eczema

D.P. asks from Phoenix

I am looking for natural ways to treat my babies eczema...he has it on his face and behind knees. He gets frustrated and I can tell he is in pain. He tries to itch h...


Stains on Clothes from Breastmilk and Baby Food

V.H. asks from St. Louis

How on earth do you get breastmilk spit-up and baby food (specifically carrots) stains out of clothing? Some have been through the dryer (ha) and some have not. Als...


Baby Shower Gift for Teen Mom

L.M. asks from New York

My daughters (ages 14 and 16) have been invited to a baby shower for their friiend. What would you recommend as a gift? No, she is not registered. My girls do no...


Need Help with Baby Shower Gift...

D.W. asks from Phoenix

Hello ladies! My very good friend is having her baby shower on Sat. I've already bought her gift which consists of about 12 different items...a few outfits, wipes, a ...