Diet & Exercise: Older Child

Results 31-40 from 103 articles

Need Recipes That Are High in Iron for a Toddler

M.B. asks from Dallas

I guess I didnt give enough information - sorry.. When I was writing this I was very upset and wasnt thinking like I should have been. I took my little girl to the d...


This Bothers Me, Do You Agree?

V.B. asks from Philadelphia

Someone else's recent post (and the comments that followed it) got me to thinking. Our society has a major stereotyping problem: women under a certain age aren't read...


Bowel Issue After Birth

A.K. asks from Milwaukee

I recently had a baby 3 months ago and since then I am having an awful time with bowel movements. They are very painful when I do have the urge which is only a couple...


Any Moms Concerned with Sweetener in Similac Organic Formula?

C.W. asks from Los Angeles

My three month old son is breast and formula fed. I've been using Similac Organic liquid formula to supplement. I eat mostly organic foods and was happy to find an or...


Gluten Free Cassien Free Diet for Autism

M.B. asks from San Antonio

Does anyone have any leads as far as starting a GFCF diet for my autistic 4 year old ? I really want to give it a try but I am going to have to eliminate the food tha...


Worried About My Daughter's Weight

C.B. asks from Lafayette

my daughter is now 8 months old and weighs a whopping 13 lbs & 10oz. her doctor said she finally made it on the scale & is in the 1th percentile for her weight & 50th...


Anyone Have Any Reccomendations for Gestational Diabetes Diet???

S.H. asks from Kansas City

Have recently been classified as HIGH RISK by OB. Blood Sugar was in the 200's. Does anyone have any good ideas for a meal requiring the restrictions it takes, that ...


The Real Truth About Breast Feeding.

T.M. asks from Atlanta

With my first child I didn't breast feed. I was told all these horror stories about how it hurts. You get raw, One breast can become bigger than the other and never r...


Will I Ever Get Pregnent..?

M.W. asks from Portland

I've been trying to have a baby for 3 years now im 24 years husband and i has tried everything,pillow under the soda,no stressing i work out, I eat h...


Morning (All the Time) Sickness

A.V. asks from Minneapolis

We just found out a couple days ago we are expecting #3 (8 year old step daughter & 4 year old son) with my son i had morning sickness a little durring the 7th & 8th ...